
13 Plays

03 Jan 2020

It comes and it goes But it comes in waves Going thru different patterns And cycling thru days One minute your happy And you feel so relieved The next mascara is running And the pain never leaves The heart is a fragile organ Yet its strong as can be It can endure so much turmoil Then it heals eventually When its opened up to someone It's at risk for so much pain Feelings like sunshine and rainbows Followed by thunder and rain. Healing is feeling Its exhausting Hurts more when its real To my Godesses I kneel And pray and meditate For the pain to go away To learn to appreciate This pain today For at least I know my heart is pure When there is pain to be felt inside Cuz it means my love is honest It means my love for you doesnt hide It means my love is real Someday my love will be returned With honesty and sacrifice But for now.... I will cry... I will feel... And I will remember... ♡Kirsty Kae Sobotka


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5 years ago

It comes and it goes But it comes in waves Going thru different patterns And cycling thru days One minute your happy And you feel so relieved The next mascara is running And the pain never leaves The heart is a fragile organ Yet its strong as can be It can endure so much turmoil Then it heals eventually When its opened up to someone It's at risk for so much pain Feelings like sunshine and rainbows Followed by thunder and rain. Healing is feeling Its exhausting Hurts more when its real To my Godesses I kneel And pray and meditate For the pain to go away To learn to appreciate This pain today For at least I know my heart is pure When there is pain to be felt inside Cuz it means my love is honest It means my love for you doesnt hide It means my love is real Someday my love will be returned With honesty and sacrifice But for now.... I will cry... I will feel... And I will remember... ♡Kirsty Kae Sobotka

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