John Green

what makes you better than ME

John Green
what makes you better  than  ME

866 Plays

25 Dec 2019

hey hey this is what I'm saying out there to you you stay at home shine on my phone you'll see we're going to think about all these things that don't really matter all the things that people say to each other like he's black he's white is totally sure he's ugly look at him and laughing does it really matter well let me just help each other hey Mr do you want to help out that you know can I claim you love them paint your friend can do this can I do that you see life and be such better place or shall we be like a candle we're going going down with this going to be killing each other one day you'll see there will be no human race cos it's going to be like this bang bang shooting on people everyone's going to be Debussy and who's going to be right who's going to be wrong it's not me who is going to be right it was going to be wrong not you we all going to be dead we all going to be dead and that's the only thing that's going to become loads more human race No One Left to get on with each other come on f****** wise up up and Mr want your friends opening do you want me to wash your car you don't have to go to them extend you see is looking man in the face and see morning sir afternoon young lad have you got a licence do you know the time I was that you listen to me that's a good one I just like talking to each other you know when a man says in his home Alone


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7 months ago

Carnt remember you sorry don't ring any bells lol

2 years ago

😂😂 lots tbf if I need to write it all it may take a whole life time

2 years ago


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