Veljko Belic


Veljko Belic

37 Plays

06 Dec 2019

English lyrcis: It doesn't matter here Who for whom he cheers You don't believe it To God or the Devil It only matters Fraternal style and goodness With real brothers I go from cradle to grave From Dusk Till Dawn In my company, brother No stupid questions Who cares He is a whore or a saint It only matters Yes it's like Play Boy Bunny For success in life Know there are no shortcuts The path to the champion is Great obstacle Along the way Victory will seem unreal But take my word for it She is possible. Life goal A life-long struggle And to lose 100 times Victory is my × 2 I'll go ahead I won't be slow I was losing I never cry They say slow down Time will eat you up I just tell them You idiots run away from me Your problems I solved it myself And for your problems He knows the whole city A failed rapper Something sucks for me How time consumes me And it hurts him What about my rhymes His songs fade I laugh in his face And I tell him to go on slowly Time will come. ” Life goal A life-long struggle And to lose 100 times Victory is my × 2 Serbian lyrcis: Vers1: Ovde nije važno Ko za koga navija Nit dal veruješ U Boga ili Đavola Važna je samo Bratska sloga i dobrota Sa pravom braćom Idem od kolevke do groba Od sumraka do svitanja U mom društvu brate Nema glupih pitanja Koga briga Dal je kurva ili svetica Bitno samo Da je kao Play Boy zečica Za uspeh u životu Znaj da nema prečica Put do šampiona je Velika prepreka Na tom putu Pobeda delovaće nestvarna Al veruj mi na reč Ona je moguća. Ref: Životni cilj Životna borba I da izgubim 100 puta Pobeda je moja×2 Vers2: Idem napred Neću polako Gubio jesam Nikad nisam plako Kažu uspori Poješće te vreme Ja im samo kažem Idioti bežite od mene Svoje probleme Rešio sam sam A za tvoje probelme Zna ceo grad Propali reper Meni nešto sere Kako poješće me vreme A boli ga to Što zbog mojih rima Njemu pesme blede U facu mu se smejem I kažem mu nastavi polako Poješ će me vreme Samo lagano😉😂 Ref: Životni cilj Životna borba I da izgubim 100 puta Pobeda je moja×2


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5 years ago

English lyrcis: It doesn't matter here Who for whom he cheers You don't believe it To God or the Devil It only matters Fraternal style and goodness With real brothers I go from cradle to grave From Dusk Till Dawn In my company, brother No stupid questions Who cares He is a whore or a saint It only matters Yes it's like Play Boy Bunny For success in life Know there are no shortcuts The path to the champion is Great obstacle Along the way Victory will seem unreal But take my word for it She is possible. Life goal A life-long struggle And to lose 100 times Victory is my × 2 I'll go ahead I won't be slow I was losing I never cry They say slow down Time will eat you up I just tell them You idiots run away from me Your problems I solved it myself And for your problems He knows the whole city A failed rapper Something sucks for me How time consumes me And it hurts him What about my rhymes His songs fade I laugh in his face And I tell him to go on slowly Time will come. ” Life goal A life-long struggle And to lose 100 times Victory is my × 2 Serbian lyrcis: Vers1: Ovde nije važno Ko za koga navija Nit dal veruješ U Boga ili Đavola Važna je samo Bratska sloga i dobrota Sa pravom braćom Idem od kolevke do groba Od sumraka do svitanja U mom društvu brate Nema glupih pitanja Koga briga Dal je kurva ili svetica Bitno samo Da je kao Play Boy zečica Za uspeh u životu Znaj da nema prečica Put do šampiona je Velika prepreka Na tom putu Pobeda delovaće nestvarna Al veruj mi na reč Ona je moguća. Ref: Životni cilj Životna borba I da izgubim 100 puta Pobeda je moja×2 Vers2: Idem napred Neću polako Gubio jesam Nikad nisam plako Kažu uspori Poješće te vreme Ja im samo kažem Idioti bežite od mene Svoje probleme Rešio sam sam A za tvoje probelme Zna ceo grad Propali reper Meni nešto sere Kako poješće me vreme A boli ga to Što zbog mojih rima Njemu pesme blede U facu mu se smejem I kažem mu nastavi polako Poješ će me vreme Samo lagano😉😂 Ref: Životni cilj Životna borba I da izgubim 100 puta Pobeda je moja×2

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