
32 Plays

04 Dec 2019

yow every body knows that the we are going to heaven the are some of them broo wlking on the street niga nobody judg anybody because the round is fisuebuls by side of the Grady ay damnt think as much you cant perform mach a lot people bin talking about you wr without human ay cant say because the shit is always raning behind my and i im not doing nothink to pussh a way of zobyem yo start with it planswfinishing with a bit it comon comon comon ya i wons start recognising the judg means the that mena your are the performance of the rapp j by just no the flak nobodi knows about them yao yao why did you come to the farm if you just say in a minut ago one minut damnt what you think that thows bitchis are from witchis and if you say somthin it mean you dont gonna get eniway just the hartes artits and the world ya ej ej bing nook tup of the world nobi knows by why did you get the same roys roy and why did you say that im a reeal niga fam means fam peleatwy ay ow never never say never never never because you are the one who cant make it and if you dont know then ask you promotion to and just what you get it it dosent mater you juts have to stuck with it you get it pall and if your are chiki the go with the dog or cat and they will help you have to get on your fith niga go it or you just styl thinking but i know you will bi up like now you will get your self in dreams you wr dreaming ay ow ay ow nononono damn fuck ya lall niga niga niga niga pis of bbb ddd mm slpl ths you mus get it and go for Google and they wil tell you evrithink that you wore mising hahhahh ay ayyy ow ow nobodu knows i was a child when i was the guy clever and i knows that mis fuck nothink i start my new job then i was saying that thows nigas are fuck t as damn wo wo wo wooww woww woo whach out whatch out niga she wil maje your dreams come true omg im craying im daying im prating so just i cant get my music colobration and my own studio and i would make evry single day a new video rap you kno a min broooo and even if i would dont know but i woold styll do it and i know that all of you whut wanted to make new song and best raper in the world the hardest ARTIST And im not joke but all playing series's and i hope some of youl understand the questions i know that some of tou ignore it but all styl wont give up all just gonne keep going until my self not gonna make dreams come true and it the rapp carier is my dream and always will be and nothink els and i would make all by my self but always group it would be with my guy thank you all and subscribers and like and all bles you that your dreams will come to and i know if i will pray for you all the time i know that the dreams come true


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5 years ago

u gonna put tracks down welcome man we need u in crew chat and crew feed we need all hands on deck fr fam lets roll

5 years ago

heh thanx broo ye im just trying and after youl see my video bro

5 years ago

ur talented

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