
Glen Harripy

Glen Harripy

101 Plays

06 Nov 2019

haha so i dont really rap but, glen harrippy Glen harippys hilarious, Glen harippy needs therapy, Glen harippy is unaware that he's constantly staring at peeps, And Glen harippys unaware that his house is the scare of the people, Tellin stories that Glen harippys parents got murdered by steeple, Cause they were the sheeple that got locked into the church, spitting a verse, to the wrong god and it hurts, To watch a man who kneels and bows, To someone that ain't fit for a crown, or a cap, cause he ain't Clappin back to the sound of the snap, this god don't fit the crowd, And of course that ain't okay so Glen harippys gay, or a freak, He's probably in his basement beheading sheep, Matter a fact let's go by honk the horn, beep beep, Maybe he'll come outside and chase us down the street, You see that dude, what's hanging off that tree, That's Glen harripy after being told all his life he needs therapy cause he ain't genericy enough so fuck you. Lmao I just wrote this xD


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5 years ago

@GUNNHOE That's a lot man, I've been practising for months before bed, falling asleep to beats and freestyling in my head. this was the first thing I actually wrote down and recorded :P

☝🔼☝🔼☝🔼Flows good fam

5 years ago

haha so i dont really rap but, glen harrippy Glen harippys hilarious, Glen harippy needs therapy, Glen harippy is unaware that he's constantly staring at peeps, And Glen harippys unaware that his house is the scare of the people, Tellin stories that Glen harippys parents got murdered by steeple, Cause they were the sheeple that got locked into the church, spitting a verse, to the wrong god and it hurts, To watch a man who kneels and bows, To someone that ain't fit for a crown, or a cap, cause he ain't Clappin back to the sound of the snap, this god don't fit the crowd, And of course that ain't okay so Glen harippys gay, or a freak, He's probably in his basement beheading sheep, Matter a fact let's go by honk the horn, beep beep, Maybe he'll come outside and chase us down the street, You see that dude, what's hanging off that tree, That's Glen harripy after being told all his life he needs therapy cause he ain't genericy enough so fuck you. Lmao I just wrote this xD

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