


61 Plays

27 Oct 2019

take no prisoner's but im a prisoner of society trapped in a world with rules or routine never free but i guess thats how it goes can't a get out oh no road closed so without a doubt eliminate mruy foes 10 fold cuz nthey fuckin with the best what a mess loco nightmare so cold but u are a indeed patience put to test peace remains put to rest no vest strapped to my chest dead inside more or less emotion i supress bitches always run not a baad notion no blame my life is kerosene then i bescame its matches burn this fucker to its ashes nQ shes last of me then my smoke passes/ always a fee under grits too much deate ah powpowpal™️ sswwees


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5 years ago

cool 👌 check my last battle don't wanna loose ....

5 years ago

take no prisoner's but im a prisoner of society trapped in a world with rules or routine never free but i guess thats how it goes can't a get out oh no road closed so without a doubt eliminate mruy foes 10 fold cuz nthey fuckin with the best what a mess loco nightmare so cold but u are a indeed patience put to test peace remains put to rest no vest strapped to my chest dead inside more or less emotion i supress bitches always run not a baad notion no blame my life is kerosene then i bescame its matches burn this fucker to its ashes nQ shes last of me then my smoke passes/ always a fee under grits too much deate ah powpowpal™️ sswwees

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