pokemon zrmy
pokemon zrmy

to all the moms

to all the moms

134 Plays

27 Oct 2019

momma yah momma tell momma how to get past these hard time yeah godmother yah momma told me what to do and repect these truths i know i told you i would be fine respecting this horrible disaster catastrify to i know the fact to the past i know everthing you told me would go past i know how to roll along with the past i know your love was strong for us forever knowing that the heart heart hearts were so real telling is the life we had i know the life we had the connections more like relashonships we had we had a real rough time thats why im so up tight trying to tell you get lose in those jow shoes just relax and let the world pass right on by like superman flying to the next danger that awaits him in jis face tell me momma why cant i momma tell me why tell me momma whh there is no such thing as acuall love why everthing has to be so upbeat when there is a raod to be beaten like a video game one by one but i just want to beat it so it is won this is like a show of animae just as if there was a catasrify i know it would be done (pause) momma im really sorry for all of these bad times showing you these hard times im sorry for these hoes slutts thots in my past time when i tweet it i feed the world my thoughts i really wish i had listened and went beond the fact that i did not want to be taut and the truth behind it is that im still a child not knowing what im doing wrong or right i just wish i ciuld have one more chance to make things right to give you a better life momma i really do love you if there is such a thing then make me beilve you are the one i trust to make me have a better life you always did say dont give up so dont give up and make everything better right??


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2 years ago

auto tune the singing. flow straight timing is essential 👆🏿 keep up the good work

5 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 8/10 Delivery: 8/10 Impression: 8/10

5 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 9/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10

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