
167 Plays

29 Jul 2019

stand up !!! get up!! was the screaming , ringing in my ears. so i woke up, soaked in tears, shaking with anger, but no fear. clear cut bold lines, wow, the answere finally appeared. it's time rise up, get up climb out the iron range hole , get up off the ground. brush minnesotas iron orange dust off. TJ is da nickname aka terridactile Joe, time to make myself known,!!!!!!!, schedule flight, and take off, touch down.. a smooth landing on new ground. introduce myself first, then go to work. wrapping bands and stacking these duckets for the one time, the demo is the punch line. I'm getting hungry tho, even missed lunch time. illuminate me please !!! blinging like a sgooting star let me take off like baseball babe Ruth smashed out the park. an when I'm steady on both feet, I'll grind so hard, sparks will fly around me . yup I'll even whisper to the streets, if it's meant too be, they will hear me. my calling, a friendly greeting ! HEY im pleeding!!! for a seat , a place to sit , in the rap industry. a love oned that's passed on once told me, to get respect, u gotta give it, not only that u gotta earn it, . then pay toward, pass it on and share it , .. there's a saying in these streets a definite bold quote , that even open the eyes of blind in rap world. ! wise man told me, rap means,.... respect all people. with the help of God, and help of lost loved ones from above. Maybe it's possible me, a sore soul could do something awesome though. well here I go, If I make it, I make it If i crumble and i dont , if i sink instead of float . I won't give up anyway, because nothing can waver my eyes from my goals. Whether mountains or molehills I'm climbing them both Ain't even stopping when im dead I'll try as a ghost as of rite now I'm alive though an I'mma keep fighting for survival!! Don't care about the votes What I'd like Is a title , a chance for survival and maybe What's it like to be an idol Someone hand me a mic I'll ignite on arrival!!!


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stand up !!! get up!! was the screaming , ringing in my ears. so i woke up, soaked in tears, shaking with anger, but no fear. clear cut bold lines, wow, the answere finally appeared. it's time rise up, get up climb out the iron range hole , get up off the ground. brush minnesotas iron orange dust off. TJ is da nickname aka terridactile Joe, time to make myself known,!!!!!!!, schedule flight, and take off, touch down.. a smooth landing on new ground. introduce myself first, then go to work. wrapping bands and stacking these duckets for the one time, the demo is the punch line. I'm getting hungry tho, even missed lunch time. illuminate me please !!! blinging like a sgooting star let me take off like baseball babe Ruth smashed out the park. an when I'm steady on both feet, I'll grind so hard, sparks will fly around me . yup I'll even whisper to the streets, if it's meant too be, they will hear me. my calling, a friendly greeting ! HEY im pleeding!!! for a seat , a place to sit , in the rap industry. a love oned that's passed on once told me, to get respect, u gotta give it, not only that u gotta earn it, . then pay toward, pass it on and share it , .. there's a saying in these streets a definite bold quote , that even open the eyes of blind in rap world. ! wise man told me, rap means,.... respect all people. with the help of God, and help of lost loved ones from above. Maybe it's possible me, a sore soul could do something awesome though. well here I go, If I make it, I make it If i crumble and i dont , if i sink instead of float . I won't give up anyway, because nothing can waver my eyes from my goals. Whether mountains or molehills I'm climbing them both Ain't even stopping when im dead I'll try as a ghost as of rite now I'm alive though an I'mma keep fighting for survival!! Don't care about the votes What I'd like Is a title , a chance for survival and maybe What's it like to be an idol Someone hand me a mic I'll ignite on arrival!!!

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