
90 Plays

10 Jun 2019

as I running around hitting switching up dimensions existing in his life life they forget to mention and a vision of intended missions are exposed to a student who listens to the inner working of a piston combustable to give a manafold a greater trust to hold influx with the many folds of our life thats cold untill we come to analyize every thought we got and told storys like we sold out to the same falacys of thinking that brouhht us down deep i to a rabbit hole like oh no oh lordd lord what have i done to inprision my soul do i desever this or maby just more u really woth me or just a figment. my imagineation is not equipped with te acvualitys of this trality the tragity i was proud to be a member of the wrong swans singing the ol song intangled in a long drawn out ballad of a youth gone wild denial defile lies filed brain trials tribulation pile higher in time catch fire like a spark in the forrest but woody aint around so they ignore us and what comes next whole towns burned to the ground for instence what happened in 16 i was loked up for 23.5 hrs a day facility wide lock down noone was allowed. there oca or read in the paper to see if there familys ok not so much as a word and we nevet heard co s thought we didnt deserver any kinda type of reason how this accured so assumptiond went barrurk invision 50 already disturbed inmates with thoughts that make ther tear ducks burns exciteable extremely flameable ignitable this may b the day i have to go canabell you never no i might have to dance with hanable leture i dont need ur let ure there comeing after me like im the one to hand em all this septure a certan sepant. measures thenn fittes to a propperproportion to cause the most distorion the enersha created these words spoken that broken hopes and dreams are the catalyst to unravel the infest nest that in fact turn around to b investment a life of proggres$ive assaessive lessons appressive thoughts r a testme tment recieved as message sent from heaven with blessing like the time of attineme t is bere and we own it no more alone days still stu k in r ol ways directions we take chooces we make are the reflection if reality we create in ur mind and soul gravitates to the same life sorce ithat we inhabatate as i lay and delays thoughts of the same malady emotions follow sadly me to another galaxy liven glitch free click to open tben see thebdedinitiin of destiny the possability to see urself greater thought drop that u cant do better off thoughts better off to learn from a letter witten in a bibme to stable off the bidle of re idals you re ited and filed in the banks of the memory but i dont have a memory that i wanna keep if this is the source of my pain eccept for my daught i think that i outta kepp it 100 n not let it bother my personal thoughts as me as jis father i gotta let her grow let her go do her own god knows what and how many times ive been there beforx before i give up mo re im gunna give untill the wheels come up missingfff g n c cleff my range is A sharp thru c major dickenson emily thick n then wrote peoms that tickked men now historic dicunent ho s u thi k she was supplyes with all her sintament many men try try to claim venomous witchs wordsbrewed in a pot potions cured put her to the stake and burn them days their ways would cause ur thoughts to turns away from the way u think today cuz it soesnt pay if ur put to deatg in a eay of a witch sceaming bloody murder cuz the pain it inflicts noing the tolwratiin u have. can never handle this


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5 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10

5 years ago

as I running around hitting switching up dimensions existing in his life life they forget to mention and a vision of intended missions are exposed to a student who listens to the inner working of a piston combustable to give a manafold a greater trust to hold influx with the many folds of our life thats cold untill we come to analyize every thought we got and told storys like we sold out to the same falacys of thinking that brouhht us down deep i to a rabbit hole like oh no oh lordd lord what have i done to inprision my soul do i desever this or maby just more u really woth me or just a figment. my imagineation is not equipped with te acvualitys of this trality the tragity i was proud to be a member of the wrong swans singing the ol song intangled in a long drawn out ballad of a youth gone wild denial defile lies filed brain trials tribulation pile higher in time catch fire like a spark in the forrest but woody aint around so they ignore us and what comes next whole towns burned to the ground for instence what happened in 16 i was loked up for 23.5 hrs a day facility wide lock down noone was allowed. there oca or read in the paper to see if there familys ok not so much as a word and we nevet heard co s thought we didnt deserver any kinda type of reason how this accured so assumptiond went barrurk invision 50 already disturbed inmates with thoughts that make ther tear ducks burns exciteable extremely flameable ignitable this may b the day i have to go canabell you never no i might have to dance with hanable leture i dont need ur let ure there comeing after me like im the one to hand em all this septure a certan sepant. measures thenn fittes to a propperproportion to cause the most distorion the enersha created these words spoken that broken hopes and dreams are the catalyst to unravel the infest nest that in fact turn around to b investment a life of proggres$ive assaessive lessons appressive thoughts r a testme tment recieved as message sent from heaven with blessing like the time of attineme t is bere and we own it no more alone days still stu k in r ol ways directions we take chooces we make are the reflection if reality we create in ur mind and soul gravitates to the same life sorce ithat we inhabatate as i lay and delays thoughts of the same malady emotions follow sadly me to another galaxy liven glitch free click to open tben see thebdedinitiin of destiny the possability to see urself greater thought drop that u cant do better off thoughts better off to learn from a letter witten in a bibme to stable off the bidle of re idals you re ited and filed in the banks of the memory but i dont have a memory that i wanna keep if this is the source of my pain eccept for my daught i think that i outta kepp it 100 n not let it bother my personal thoughts as me as jis father i gotta let her grow let her go do her own god knows what and how many times ive been there beforx before i give up mo re im gunna give untill the wheels come up missingfff g n c cleff my range is A sharp thru c major dickenson emily thick n then wrote peoms that tickked men now historic dicunent ho s u thi k she was supplyes with all her sintament many men try try to claim venomous witchs wordsbrewed in a pot potions cured put her to the stake and burn them days their ways would cause ur thoughts to turns away from the way u think today cuz it soesnt pay if ur put to deatg in a eay of a witch sceaming bloody murder cuz the pain it inflicts noing the tolwratiin u have. can never handle this

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