

194 Plays

07 Jun 2019

hey,hey,hey,its adrenaline pumping though your veins just like the latest fix for medicen I'm a fiend when it comes to venisen so now my blood is pumping and pumping around my body and I cannot control the options pressing my buttons trying to get me vext but if I send out a transmission call S.O.S nobody is saving my soul nobody can help me now nobody can control when the mist devours my very existence il be down in a hole of overdose adrenaline past but holy shit this milligrams of amphetamine got me super hyped up and spitting so fast like why is everything so sharp just like high deffinison of a intoxicated rehabilitation center for the adrenaline seekers and thrill chasers white trash under the bridge trying to get these notes onto the paper so I can save it later but I getting so high off of the rush just like an artist should when painting a picture of words with a paint brush so as such il be chasing the duck with a spear charged for the overpriced adrenaline bite it surrounds my body and my orea my vocal energy but without the adrenaline I can stand up steady and begin to walk it's taking over my legs il collapse if I walk anymore steps breathing heaverlly to the beat of adrenaline in my chest


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