Emotionally Wasted (Rising EP)

Emotionally Wasted (Rising EP)

103 Plays

02 Jun 2019

Lately my emotions been feeling wasted How do I compete? how do I step up on the beat? how do I raise my temp? to shall y'all I'm heat how do I feel better, teach me, please I don't get it, emotions break me down so far, like the marina trench and I drown but it ain't in the sea, it's in tears still salty and it hurts so bad I cant even cry over it it makes me wanna cry but I'll cover it I cant let others know, I'm emotional so what I do is try to keep myself composed but I end down in the lowest of my lows what do I do help me, I ain't even lying see it hurts to think I have to vent sadly on a mic I cant help but let others know I'm not alright so I'll put this out, help, I sway in salt water, kelp I know I'm corny, I hear you all saying it it hurts extra just like in a game it's a crit but no one will feel or vibe to this either cause they see a freak, another creature not another artist trying to make it out here just another freak with the hands to steer not another guy who gives his emotions in this just another man who took a swing in the game and missed well, I got two more times before I'm out for now so I can at least give this my all, some more now cause I cant let people hop ahead of myself used that instead of me, just for my health cause I don't really like using the same words especially in the same song it feels so absurd I mean it's ok I guess I won't lie to you I'm talking to you but you asking "who?" cause you ain't never heard me you just go and flip me the birdie just like in a game of bad mitten, it's chill besides in this app I don't show much ill will cause I find you all good, some only decent now you should leave, I don't like people as of recent #RisingEP #Emotionally Wasted


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@lucidity_ word give mine an ear yo

5 years ago


sweet, check mine out too. good looking on the lyrics 👍

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