CRACK KILLS. Try coke.

277 Plays


06 Apr 2019

Slowest MF on the beat Sour D is what i breathe preparing carbon-dated weighted vegetation for a vegetarian dentist during breakfast. premeditation in murdering the nations reputation. Neighborhood meth turn my neighbors into walking dead. i must have misread what they said --its actually bath salts it aint my fault im not the one who hauled them to an overhauled crackhouse. Dope fiends doing lung workouts. blacking out with a pipe in the mouth taking as many hits as it allows. breaking the windpipe stereotype they the steal your radio type Crack is all the hype whats inside as a fiends body dies autopsy would provide a neccessary explanation on the suicide exploitation #crackkillstrycoke #medusatheruler


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5 years ago

lmao I dig

5 years ago

I noticed. Wouldn't be fair to not give you advice. I'm better at critiquing than performing

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