96 Plays

31 Mar 2019

it's a battle with myself wat can I do it's worse cuz u tattle so screw you help me why u put me down I've hit rock bottom that's the fucking ground why use me ass a joke why laugh cuz I'm broke damn I wish I never touched coke I'm a slave to that shit I should have stuck with getting lit you learn life ain't what it seem learned this shit and I'm just a teen is this life worth living are these fucks worth giving I dint chose to be a thug admit I've used some drugs why u turn me down my life will turn around realize this is just a mood just a small attitude life could be better but it's not that bad sometimes I wonder then I get sad


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5 years ago

good job lil brother I got yo back no matter what!

5 years ago

it's a battle with myself wat can I do it's worse cuz u tattle so screw you help me why u put me down I've hit rock bottom that's the fucking ground why use me ass a joke why laugh cuz I'm broke damn I wish I never touched coke I'm a slave to that shit I should have stuck with getting lit you learn life ain't what it seem learned this shit and I'm just a teen is this life worth living are these fucks worth giving I dint chose to be a thug admit I've used some drugs why u turn me down my life will turn around realize this is just a mood just a small attitude life could be better but it's not that bad sometimes I wonder then I get sad

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