bor hrovatin

fortnite noobs

bor hrovatin
fortnite noobs

17 Plays

14 Jan 2019

for the fortnite noobs.... when u wake up u power ur computer killin folks like a master executer u think its ok u think its cool? well its starts with them and ends with you. u cry to mommy ur tummy hurts just so you could kill some dumbass turds. u rage cuz u get killed nigga u try to win but lose nigga u destroy ur computer nigga stop being a noob nigga! every time u lose u cry even tho u donno why u buy a new skin with ur moms creditcard and then die bcuz she found out u were high u thorch the pc with the brightest flame just beacuz ninja took all the fame and u just wana be the best at that game but you just can't improve ur aim stop playing fortnite u retard fuck I hope u choke to death or get hit by a truck u better hide under ur bed cuz when I finish off ur gonna be dead aint nobody stoppin me when I roast but now its even harder cuz im overdosed so u better sit down im gonna make a toast u r a little piece of shit sueside u should commit bro just quit or jump into a pit cuz u have cancer that I admit now I could roast yall a bit more but imma have to shut the door cuz what is closed is my store my store for roasts my store for more FATALATY PERFECT FLAWLESS VICTORY


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6 years ago

for the fortnite noobs.... when u wake up u power ur computer killin folks like a master executer u think its ok u think its cool? well its starts with them and ends with you. u cry to mommy ur tummy hurts just so you could kill some dumbass turds. u rage cuz u get killed nigga u try to win but lose nigga u destroy ur computer nigga stop being a noob nigga! every time u lose u cry even tho u donno why u buy a new skin with ur moms creditcard and then die bcuz she found out u were high u thorch the pc with the brightest flame just beacuz ninja took all the fame and u just wana be the best at that game but you just can't improve ur aim stop playing fortnite u retard fuck I hope u choke to death or get hit by a truck u better hide under ur bed cuz when I finish off ur gonna be dead aint nobody stoppin me when I roast but now its even harder cuz im overdosed so u better sit down im gonna make a toast u r a little piece of shit sueside u should commit bro just quit or jump into a pit cuz u have cancer that I admit now I could roast yall a bit more but imma have to shut the door cuz what is closed is my store my store for roasts my store for more FATALATY PERFECT FLAWLESS VICTORY

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