D Caza

miss lady 83

D Caza
miss lady 83

13 Plays

28 Dec 2018

its been a minute, we dont even kick it, back in da day we couldnt be seperated, r bond, the way u made me fuckin feel, like ah king, ina dream, unreal, ur smell,when i got u all hot, u were down, u even hid my fuckin glock, on the ave everyone jocked u, cuz they knew i just fuckin waxed u,it was tru, u were always blue, n they hated when i first got u, i dont hate, fuck it, let em stare,deep down i know were perfect pair, but shit changed, maybe broke a few rules, u were dancin when u got cha new shoes, u looked good, u were screaming down da block, miss u lady 83 n it wont stop,

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