65 Plays

10 Nov 2018

for the time did you born to the time that you died the government's got you under their thumb to keep you in there eyesight now it's their story there playwright so you better keep your ass right keep yourself player tight and you Mac on tight like tenfold cuz they trying to build you into there mold whenever belong to us no more just bought and sold and on and on the stories told Big Brothers got his hands on you two governments got a plan for you special chemicals and diseases that blows in the breezes ingested through the air that we breathe into the lungs that it sees into your veins that it grows to your body that it starts to control now I'm in the population time slipping in a racing Bob was missing parts beginnings and starts the new world order is at its fullest stacking guns to get all the bullets but when the bottom falls out are we in a desert Wasteland that's what has me pacing back and forth on the floor until I wear a spot ripped and tore my face bleeding blistered and sore from all the contemplation they trying to make a master racing Hitler was a problem but we are Heather and itself he was just a predecessor to the fact as a United States government it's like we're all hooked on crack but the crack be the money and it keeps everyone of us looking funny and they keep telling us that everything is going to be so sunny white picket fence nice car good job now you believe the lie a teardrop falls from my eye yeah I just got to cry for the lie that we conceive to hold it to our brain makes me want to pull out the 9 and put one slug through my brain cuz I just can't stand where I stand on the situation it's slowly erasing and I just can't catch face man so come out of space man I'm just out of this world none of this makes sense but you know I don't make dollars don't make sense a my existence pillow like one big dope spoon rents yeah like I'm locked up in a fence and my mind unable to escape reality because it's not my reality it's the reality that they want me to see that means no one else will ever be free so I give you the key it doesn't look like much but a crystal to such or some people call it a drug maybe a crutch but it's the key to unlock your mind sleep deprivation stopping the deprived time and they lock you up for it and call it a crime why we don't need to ask it's a government task force of course lock you in sales genetically rearrange your cells never given you bales but selling your pounds and bales at these are the government's tails


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for the time did you born to the time that you died the government's got you under their thumb to keep you in there eyesight now it's their story there playwright so you better keep your ass right keep yourself player tight and you Mac on tight like tenfold cuz they trying to build you into there mold whenever belong to us no more just bought and sold and on and on the stories told Big Brothers got his hands on you two governments got a plan for you special chemicals and diseases that blows in the breezes ingested through the air that we breathe into the lungs that it sees into your veins that it grows to your body that it starts to control now I'm in the population time slipping in a racing Bob was missing parts beginnings and starts the new world order is at its fullest stacking guns to get all the bullets but when the bottom falls out are we in a desert Wasteland that's what has me pacing back and forth on the floor until I wear a spot ripped and tore my face bleeding blistered and sore from all the contemplation they trying to make a master racing Hitler was a problem but we are Heather and itself he was just a predecessor to the fact as a United States government it's like we're all hooked on crack but the crack be the money and it keeps everyone of us looking funny and they keep telling us that everything is going to be so sunny white picket fence nice car good job now you believe the lie a teardrop falls from my eye yeah I just got to cry for the lie that we conceive to hold it to our brain makes me want to pull out the 9 and put one slug through my brain cuz I just can't stand where I stand on the situation it's slowly erasing and I just can't catch face man so come out of space man I'm just out of this world none of this makes sense but you know I don't make dollars don't make sense a my existence pillow like one big dope spoon rents yeah like I'm locked up in a fence and my mind unable to escape reality because it's not my reality it's the reality that they want me to see that means no one else will ever be free so I give you the key it doesn't look like much but a crystal to such or some people call it a drug maybe a crutch but it's the key to unlock your mind sleep deprivation stopping the deprived time and they lock you up for it and call it a crime why we don't need to ask it's a government task force of course lock you in sales genetically rearrange your cells never given you bales but selling your pounds and bales at these are the government's tails

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