Pink Water
ItzMason13I got pink water, instead of you, I'm all alone, I feel blue, you make me numb and make me feel dumb just take a seat you Lil bum, yeah chill, dude it's not like I'm gonna kill you , it's alright though cuz broski I can feel you , so please babe, will you stay here wit me, and drink beer wit me, rap songs wit me, and die together wit me, just don't go babe just stay and hang, your more lit then this song I just sang
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I got pink water, instead of you, I'm all alone, I feel blue, you make me numb and make me feel dumb just take a seat you Lil bum, yeah chill, dude it's not like I'm gonna kill you , it's alright though cuz broski I can feel you , so please babe, will you stay here wit me, and drink beer wit me, rap songs wit me, and die together wit me, just don't go babe just stay and hang, your more lit then this song I just sang
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