πŸ’€ Skullz πŸ’€
πŸ’€ Skullz πŸ’€

fuck tha police

fuck tha police

112 Plays


08 Oct 2018

fuck tha police I say it loudly and clearly I hope the pigs can hear me always harassing my community but yet the opposite side talk about equality were still living in a divided society this song aint just for me but everyone else who sits silently while our culture being chip away at quietly then they wonder why the people act out violently picking on teens with hoodies on cause it look like they doing something wrong that the kind of shit I wanna talk bout on this song landing at my mums putting her under alot of strain because of my family's surename cause no matter wat happen me and brother always got the blame it nothing to do with her that her two sons involved in the game I took a oath that I have sworn that il defend my community from anyone domestic or foreign including cunts wearing a black uniform come around abusing their power but without the guns their cowards even saying the name police is leaving my mouth with a taste of Sour member this one time they grab a bloak by the throat he began to choke pinned him to the ground wat fucking joke all this brutality for a bag of coke and all they found was a packet of cigarettes and small amout of dope swear to fuck it feels like our backs are always up against the ropes facing the fireing squad got us all in their scope like wen your about to die ya loose all hope no wonder when it comes to the law we feel like our backs are up against the wall and our only response is put our middle fingers up and scream fuck use all so as I make a cup of coffee and a few rollies gonna say it one last time fuck tha police


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2 years ago

lit Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

2 years ago

Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

fuck tha police I say it loudly and clearly I hope the pigs can hear me always harassing my community but yet the opposite side talk about equality were still living in a divided society this song aint just for me but everyone else who sits silently while our culture being chip away at quietly then they wonder why the people act out violently picking on teens with hoodies on cause it look like they doing something wrong that the kind of shit I wanna talk bout on this song landing at my mums putting her under alot of strain because of my family's surename cause no matter wat happen me and brother always got the blame it nothing to do with her that her two sons involved in the game I took a oath that I have sworn that il defend my community from anyone domestic or foreign including cunts wearing a black uniform come around abusing their power but without the guns their cowards even saying the name police is leaving my mouth with a taste of Sour member this one time they grab a bloak by the throat he began to choke pinned him to the ground wat fucking joke all this brutality for a bag of coke and all they found was a packet of cigarettes and small amout of dope swear to fuck it feels like our backs are always up against the ropes facing the fireing squad got us all in their scope like wen your about to die ya loose all hope no wonder when it comes to the law we feel like our backs are up against the wall and our only response is put our middle fingers up and scream fuck use all so as I make a cup of coffee and a few rollies gonna say it one last time fuck tha police

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