


20 Plays

07 Sep 2018

I'm just gonna go into it all I gotta say is I'm fuckin done with it fuck society crumble it up and throw it away make the pain all go away everyday is the same girls they change their minds from this to that hoe I ain't staying for you to come to a conclusion I'm done with it fuck society ya know what fuck the minority their all jerks some have their perks but the rest their egotistical pricks who in my opinion can go and suck some dicks cuz fuck society fuck fuck fuck at some moment everything crumbles and its when you think that everything is fine that everyone likes you and you wake up the the next day and reality hits you in the face hard and you realize that your life is a joke and been a houx you have been played like a game on game day sorry to tell you but life isn't what its seems its not all fun and good dreams half the time its a nightmare but just fuck society


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6 years ago

I'm just gonna go into it all I gotta say is I'm fuckin done with it fuck society crumble it up and throw it away make the pain all go away everyday is the same girls they change their minds from this to that hoe I ain't staying for you to come to a conclusion I'm done with it fuck society ya know what fuck the minority their all jerks some have their perks but the rest their egotistical pricks who in my opinion can go and suck some dicks cuz fuck society fuck fuck fuck at some moment everything crumbles and its when you think that everything is fine that everyone likes you and you wake up the the next day and reality hits you in the face hard and you realize that your life is a joke and been a houx you have been played like a game on game day sorry to tell you but life isn't what its seems its not all fun and good dreams half the time its a nightmare but just fuck society

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