D,Back,Back*High Punch

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GASING Gassing don't it My path my mother thinking it's foolish As fast as a trigger finger can pull it No one can escape the bullet I'll be OK as long as I keep my hands out them cuffs I sorry my lord but ima keep taking my puffs As long as you keep on me waken up Gotta better view not just making this up You still raping rome give it up maybe you sux But on this muzic its tuff so ruff its an old crush good at it or wat just fight dont pick the gun up Haven Will always came thru in the cluch I walk the talk so no i dont need a kruch This game hard knock it cant be more ruff It just made me lather tuff an never bluff As i take wat life dose left brused an scuffed Which im sure have made me bad as my luck Opptamistc but still its hard to use my trust My next breath bring me death or bring me love


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