
49 Plays

14 Dec 2017

Accepting who I am accepting others, Accepting, only I can focus on myself. Don’t worry about Brooke can’t protect her. Point the finger accusing somebody It’s like one finger with three fingers pointing back at me. I’m not a judge have honesty, no fears of being Judged. Only God can judge me. Stand firm in humility Jesus wants me to serve, serving my master because I want to. Stand firm in all feed the Holy Spirit keep me unshakable prospering and everything Jacob see how you feel no matter what, lead not by flesh but in the spirit. Preach against what I feel is wrong. Every time I put the flesh down, and follow my (know )my senses get stronger Holy Spirit. Pray to stop being prideful and self conceded help me go through long suffer the pain is there for a reason. If I do what I know then I will never be let down accepting only I can let myself down! - [ ] Acceptance of others so I can accept myself. Like people for who they are, true humility is accepting who I am. To be transparent! Not to hide anything.Prey for enemies, communicate how I feel. Being brave, only say what I feel your truth your Must practice. If I say what I feel, I will always be fine, my feeling is the truth. In a uncomfortable situation stand firm, do not be sarcastic, stay in my feelings. accept constructive criticism. No fears of offending, no fear of being offended. No fear of humility, be honest bold with person How I feel. Lord bring me back to my Daughter London Monroe kniep Put up others I asked to do what I know and only what I know, no hesitation, honesty. I asked to do what I feel and say what I feel, come across as caring give Bible verses, the truth, not my opinion, honor others, don’t think I am better, edifying others, lift them up, praying for my enemies.


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6 years ago

Accepting who I am accepting others, Accepting, only I can focus on myself. Don’t worry about Brooke can’t protect her. Point the finger accusing somebody It’s like one finger with three fingers pointing back at me. I’m not a judge have honesty, no fears of being Judged. Only God can judge me. Stand firm in humility Jesus wants me to serve, serving my master because I want to. Stand firm in all feed the Holy Spirit keep me unshakable prospering and everything Jacob see how you feel no matter what, lead not by flesh but in the spirit. Preach against what I feel is wrong. Every time I put the flesh down, and follow my (know )my senses get stronger Holy Spirit. Pray to stop being prideful and self conceded help me go through long suffer the pain is there for a reason. If I do what I know then I will never be let down accepting only I can let myself down! - [ ] Acceptance of others so I can accept myself. Like people for who they are, true humility is accepting who I am. To be transparent! Not to hide anything.Prey for enemies, communicate how I feel. Being brave, only say what I feel your truth your Must practice. If I say what I feel, I will always be fine, my feeling is the truth. In a uncomfortable situation stand firm, do not be sarcastic, stay in my feelings. accept constructive criticism. No fears of offending, no fear of being offended. No fear of humility, be honest bold with person How I feel. Lord bring me back to my Daughter London Monroe kniep Put up others I asked to do what I know and only what I know, no hesitation, honesty. I asked to do what I feel and say what I feel, come across as caring give Bible verses, the truth, not my opinion, honor others, don’t think I am better, edifying others, lift them up, praying for my enemies.

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