Daniel Allen
Daniel Allen

of once for u ive allready diyed

of once for u ive allready diyed

21 Plays

09 Dec 2017

ive got shatterd dreams stolen wings and broken bones I've got broken bones stolen wings and shadderd dreams blue Skye's dark nights couldn't be more gray . I'm lost I'm gon like my love out this window for a home I don't got eney more and this drink can't git eney more filled plaged buy a widowing black widow u black widowing widow . did u have to treat me like the dirt under your feet spit hit strike plot stomp and curse I'm winded and I cant crall eney more i feel like a brain dead zoided zombie takeing a trip ride to the grave in a hurse curse to live a life for a sakes for there to be a curse I can't call eney more I've tried I can't crall more of once for u I have all ready died to my self friends and family I've lied and seated my moral ernisty aside and I I've criyed.. it all with never once when u left given a good buy the ters stream down my face that freez because ove your disbalife in faith in formes of gadder snow flakes that rains like a paint of a forsookin sad lost and forgottion unsaved place of never ending Paine that's washed away... By the riane but the Raine Nevers gowes away rather my love that i once loved...with all my self hell sendind soul that desended for u but the paine. . It remaines like a blood staine of a remanies


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7 years ago

ive got shatterd dreams stolen wings and broken bones I've got broken bones stolen wings and shadderd dreams blue Skye's dark nights couldn't be more gray . I'm lost I'm gon like my love out this window for a home I don't got eney more and this drink can't git eney more filled plaged buy a widowing black widow u black widowing widow . did u have to treat me like the dirt under your feet spit hit strike plot stomp and curse I'm winded and I cant crall eney more i feel like a brain dead zoided zombie takeing a trip ride to the grave in a hurse curse to live a life for a sakes for there to be a curse I can't call eney more I've tried I can't crall more of once for u I have all ready died to my self friends and family I've lied and seated my moral ernisty aside and I I've criyed.. it all with never once when u left given a good buy the ters stream down my face that freez because ove your disbalife in faith in formes of gadder snow flakes that rains like a paint of a forsookin sad lost and forgottion unsaved place of never ending Paine that's washed away... By the riane but the Raine Nevers gowes away rather my love that i once loved...with all my self hell sendind soul that desended for u but the paine. . It remaines like a blood staine of a remanies

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