(kilo)chicago's six

I straight up add that pressure in your life

(kilo)chicago's six
I straight up add that pressure in your life

61 Plays

11 days ago

i often wonder what you going two do if i bring All this pressure straight up on you na'll,na'll,you can't run from this pressure, pressure,that i straight stepup on this here muthafuckin microphone, applying All this pressure up on your brain- cells just like it was A BIG-ASS fuckin screwdriver steady steady,screwin& screwin into your skull with this here tip of this flathead, im just tryin two do AS much damage & problems as i straight up can,for you straight up thinkin that you can runup on me,with All that hum bug shit,hey,hey,"BOY" this is the straight up type of pressure that you straight up get comin your fuckin way if you keep on,if you fuckin keep on consisting two fuckin talk All that loud mouth shit,im goin two keep on,keep on, applying my pressure two your fuckin chest, just like i was straight up holdin up two it,A louded double barrel shotgun as i put my middle finger up on the trigger of the barrel of this here gun,its goin two bring All this here pressure into your fuckin life,two straight up fuckin "SEE" if you can straight up beat the the mutha fuckin ODDS As you is layin up in that hospital bed fighting for your very own fuckin life,as the black angel of death can be straight up "SEEN" HOVERING All over your hospital bed, straight up countin out All the fuckin Minutes & seconds that you got left on MR. FATHER TIMES GOLD ROLEX watch,As he straight up standin right over you, straight up watchin you getting ready two take your fuckin last,last,breathe "BOY" you finally findout that with All this here muthafuckin microphone,just like A oozie with A 50-round clip that i fuckin brung All this pressure right A your daddy & mommy fuckin doorsteps,my oldman,use tell me if you Add just the right type pressure two any type of situation that its straight up bound two bust A pipe, up under any type of situation so this fuckin goes out two All my fuckin HATERS & BIG-OPS you better watch what you fuckin say & fuckin do around me, cause i will bring out that big ASS pole with me,and straight up add pressure where ever it may be needed at up in this here muthafuckin RAP,RAP, GAME, Chicago's six i straight up bring that fuckin Added pressure what you want& fuckin need up on this muthafuckin mic and thats,that pressure,thats,that pressure every fuckin time that i straight up come around,thats,that pressure what you fuckin think that you fuckin needed up in this here fuckin RAP,RAP,GAME......


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Сold af 🥶

11 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

11 days ago

Fiya 🚀 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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