
5 Plays

12 hours ago

. OT f .l] onze 21 vingt-et-un 2 deux 12 douze 22 vingt-deux 3 trois 13 treize 23 vingt-trois 4 quatre 14 quatorze 24 vingt-quatre 5 cinq 15 quinze 25 vingt-cinq 6 six 16 seize 26 vingt-six 7 sept 17 dix-sept 27 vingt-sept 8 huit 18 dix-huit 28 vingt-huit 9 neuf 19 dix-neuf 29 vingt-neuf 40 quarante 50 cinquante 60 soixante 41 quarante-et-un 51 cinquante-et-un 61 soixante-et-un 42 quarante-deux 52 cinquante-deux 62 soixante-deux 43 quarante-trois 53 cinquante-trois 63 soixante-trois 44 quarante-quatre 54 cinquante-quatre 64 soixante-quatre 45 quarante-cing 55 cinquante-cing 65 soixante-cing 46 quarante-six 56 cinquante-six 66 soixante-six 47 quarante-sept 57 cinquante-sept 67 soixante-sept 48 quarante-huit 58 cinquante-huit 8 soixante-huit 49 quarante-neuf 59 cinquante-neuf 69 soixante-neuf 30 trente 31 trente-et-un 32 trente-deux 33 trente-trois 34 trente-quatre 35 trente-cinq 36 trente-six 37 trente-sept 38 trente-huit 39 trente-neuf 70 soixante-dix 71 soixante-et-onze 72 soixante-douze 73 soixante-treize 74 soixante-quatorze 75 soixante-quinze 76 soixante-seize 4 quatre-vingt-quatre 94 quatre-vingt-quatroze 202 deux-cent-deux 2.000 deux-mille 300 trois-cents 10.000 dix-mille 85 quatre-vingt-cinq 95 quatre-vingt-quinze 305 trois-cent-cinq 100.000 cent-mille B6 quatre-vingt-six 96 quatre-vingt-seiz 400 quatre-cents-"1900,000 ymmiltio. 87 quatre-vingt-sept 97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept 500 cinq-cen C 000 000 ○-> 000 00 del Alion 88 quatre-vingt-huit 98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit 600 six-cents rd 89 quatre-vingt-neuf 99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 700 sept-cents 2.000.000,000 deux-millierds I'm the king of the streets, call me 21 Savage BPM at 180, I'm in my own lane, no average I'm a cold-blooded killer, no mercy in my eyes I'll leave you lying in a pool of blood, no alibis I came from the bottom, now I'm sitting on top I'll never stop grinding, I'll never flop I'm a savage in the game, I play to win I'll take out anyone who tries to step in I'm a menace to society, a threat to the game I'll leave my mark, I'll leave my name I'm the realest in the game, ain't no fakin' I'll keep on grindin', keep on takin' I'm the baddest in the game, ain't no doubt I'll take you out, no need to shout I'm 21 Savage, I run this town I'll never back down; I'll never back down town down town uptown town


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12 hours ago

. OT f .l] onze 21 vingt-et-un 2 deux 12 douze 22 vingt-deux 3 trois 13 treize 23 vingt-trois 4 quatre 14 quatorze 24 vingt-quatre 5 cinq 15 quinze 25 vingt-cinq 6 six 16 seize 26 vingt-six 7 sept 17 dix-sept 27 vingt-sept 8 huit 18 dix-huit 28 vingt-huit 9 neuf 19 dix-neuf 29 vingt-neuf 40 quarante 50 cinquante 60 soixante 41 quarante-et-un 51 cinquante-et-un 61 soixante-et-un 42 quarante-deux 52 cinquante-deux 62 soixante-deux 43 quarante-trois 53 cinquante-trois 63 soixante-trois 44 quarante-quatre 54 cinquante-quatre 64 soixante-quatre 45 quarante-cing 55 cinquante-cing 65 soixante-cing 46 quarante-six 56 cinquante-six 66 soixante-six 47 quarante-sept 57 cinquante-sept 67 soixante-sept 48 quarante-huit 58 cinquante-huit 8 soixante-huit 49 quarante-neuf 59 cinquante-neuf 69 soixante-neuf 30 trente 31 trente-et-un 32 trente-deux 33 trente-trois 34 trente-quatre 35 trente-cinq 36 trente-six 37 trente-sept 38 trente-huit 39 trente-neuf 70 soixante-dix 71 soixante-et-onze 72 soixante-douze 73 soixante-treize 74 soixante-quatorze 75 soixante-quinze 76 soixante-seize 4 quatre-vingt-quatre 94 quatre-vingt-quatroze 202 deux-cent-deux 2.000 deux-mille 300 trois-cents 10.000 dix-mille 85 quatre-vingt-cinq 95 quatre-vingt-quinze 305 trois-cent-cinq 100.000 cent-mille B6 quatre-vingt-six 96 quatre-vingt-seiz 400 quatre-cents-"1900,000 ymmiltio. 87 quatre-vingt-sept 97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept 500 cinq-cen C 000 000 ○-> 000 00 del Alion 88 quatre-vingt-huit 98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit 600 six-cents rd 89 quatre-vingt-neuf 99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 700 sept-cents 2.000.000,000 deux-millierds I'm the king of the streets, call me 21 Savage BPM at 180, I'm in my own lane, no average I'm a cold-blooded killer, no mercy in my eyes I'll leave you lying in a pool of blood, no alibis I came from the bottom, now I'm sitting on top I'll never stop grinding, I'll never flop I'm a savage in the game, I play to win I'll take out anyone who tries to step in I'm a menace to society, a threat to the game I'll leave my mark, I'll leave my name I'm the realest in the game, ain't no fakin' I'll keep on grindin', keep on takin' I'm the baddest in the game, ain't no doubt I'll take you out, no need to shout I'm 21 Savage, I run this town I'll never back down; I'll never back down town down town uptown town

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