Stephanie Hawkins

poetry ....... take you home

Stephanie Hawkins
poetry .......  take you home

8 Plays

3 days ago

Isn't it crazy how one minute you love like never before and the next day you two feel like two strangers in the dark. You both had a great night, numbers exchanged, shots being swallowed whole like cough syrup, dancing in the nights young melodies me dancing with you you dancing with me, guess to many shot? Blurry is all I see, Take you home? Keys? Let's dance some more, you pick me up like I'm a two by four putting me over your shoulder, placing me gently in the car, you aight ? No......... il walk you can't walk I won't let you, He took my hand and sat me down, please just let me walk home, il drive you its not a problem, I. Can walk ya know ? I know but I can drive you home, ok ok if its not  bother ? No bother at all. ( VIBRATION) 4 times  whose that?  I'm not worried about it, I'm worried about getting your sweet ass home in your bed and Callin you in the morning. Finally I'm home thanks so much, anytime sweetness. With that he drove off...... did he call? nope........ (sad music) ©gemmilynn © Jun '21, Stephanie     


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Isn't it crazy how one minute you love like never before and the next day you two feel like two strangers in the dark. You both had a great night, numbers exchanged, shots being swallowed whole like cough syrup, dancing in the nights young melodies me dancing with you you dancing with me, guess to many shot? Blurry is all I see, Take you home? Keys? Let's dance some more, you pick me up like I'm a two by four putting me over your shoulder, placing me gently in the car, you aight ? No......... il walk you can't walk I won't let you, He took my hand and sat me down, please just let me walk home, il drive you its not a problem, I. Can walk ya know ? I know but I can drive you home, ok ok if its not  bother ? No bother at all. ( VIBRATION) 4 times  whose that?  I'm not worried about it, I'm worried about getting your sweet ass home in your bed and Callin you in the morning. Finally I'm home thanks so much, anytime sweetness. With that he drove off...... did he call? nope........ (sad music) ©gemmilynn © Jun '21, Stephanie     

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