Randi Jackson

Maybe Moments in Time

Randi Jackson
Maybe Moments in Time

27 Plays

17 days ago

moments ago in time if i could turn back the hands of time i would give my world up an turn up side down gi ve my life for thoughts to change my actions an my ways to be about it an ahow it an pro e it to myself before i can work on others got stay true to myself weather written bars are free or locked up success is .my on ly mother fuckin option failure is not i got show m.yself i can will accomplish what i set out do so read between the lines open your eyes your the one who can change it no body esle man or mouse never hide from your self ag ofain ever hide from the world you live in face your challenges one on one conquer your fears show god an your son your worth it


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17 days ago

Champion 🏆

17 days ago

moments ago in time if i could turn back the hands of time i would give my world up an turn up side down gi ve my life for thoughts to change my actions an my ways to be about it an ahow it an pro e it to myself before i can work on others got stay true to myself weather written bars are free or locked up success is .my on ly mother fuckin option failure is not i got show m.yself i can will accomplish what i set out do so read between the lines open your eyes your the one who can change it no body esle man or mouse never hide from your self ag ofain ever hide from the world you live in face your challenges one on one conquer your fears show god an your son your worth it

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