oh that money

oh that money

108 Plays

21 days ago

money x 7 oh how i love that money i need that money aint a damn thing funny money x7 oh how i love that money i need to get down and get me some hunnie money x7 everybody be buggin but in concern is a daddy and a mummy oh how i love that money oh how i love that money vs1 now listen up yall i gotsta give it to you quick cos im about to put the low down k lyk duz on rapfame as i pull a @ # $ face then im in there leave the crowd in amazement dazed lazed crazed n fazed chick ching the mighty dollar make me wana hola mony rollbeats hott serve i want the works for the most wanted in hurr shall not take your s@#Tt and may she live prosperus and well dedicated to the dollar sighn if you even show short signs of endivedence have to say goodbye then time to say see yah man and s@#$Tt can go to plan this is for all my people whom on the floor shakeing their two shoes getting down now gboggie up close realy put it down no one clowns around o r wears a frown like a smile thats upside down turn it back aroun and exsactly how it goes you know doin it well aand aint a damn thing funny heaps of money i need thalt money aye but your in the way like my tone hey im grown fruit cake nutcase put it in the basket mate thats ten saved annonomus player playing the game and she got net its set splitt dat in half time to get endividence the we jet bounce on outa there off to the next when i was a little girl what could i want more then anything in the whole wide world corrus now cheak duzz as beat comes in i rox the room any music suggestions say we go rollin to that up town funk battle me i set the scean we all going to the beach strap yah in yah car seat we gone on our way to the front of the sea then stop for a bottle feed then little one its time for another sleep ill wake you up as soon as we get to the beach aha young won here we are money power what did i cut did i say something wrong chuk it out havha ive had you fooled all along did i f@$#&)n studder oh that mighty dolla makes me wana hola im so low down a$$ k bitch i repersent with intent to make the rent and the rest who could match me im right here what n how ido madjik n money sugar shake all the lollies in the shop now gotta fix a toothache and i got a thick tounge taste a very nice mix with a dolla and a sugar rush all of a sudden you there its in the air hear me clear if you got that money well give it to me then what could make me smile put a big smile on my dail i got to make that money honstly it feels like i im in an eternal sprial spinning rwnd and rwnd while my song goes viral slow down child soul clapp if yah feeling me can yahfeel it does it feel hott lets get rich n we out the hood fuk dat turn dat around and make a pat to stay for good ranui ws akl money corus


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20 days ago

🙏🙌🙏 Money life Money dream Money reality Money lucidity Money sleep deprived Money a) looks like a + b) quacks like a = duck Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

20 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: On point 🎯 Impression: Perfect 💯

How do you keep your bars so fresh and deadly? 💡 Bars: Nice 🌟 Delivery: Nice 🌟 Impression: Great 🎉

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