
149 Plays

21 days ago

I had the honor of having a new young upcoming male artist sing my song I wrote. He wishes to stay anonymous for the time being. He did a great job! Love hurts the breakup is worse. I'm going through the struggle. Pain is my motivator!" #NOMATTERWHAT God grant me the serenity to Accept the things I cannot change.The Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference." You was like a drug to me. Everyday I was with you my heart skipped a million beats. You were my only missing piece. I wished you felt the same about me. And when I wasn't with you anymore, I began to withdraw. My pitted stomach, feels like I haven't ate, drawn me into a lucid state, vivid bad dreams, all I can remember is hearing the screams, and them bad dreams now are only faded bad memories, I don't have much left you see, but you don't even want the rest of me. I was never given the chance to show you the best of me. It's all good I wouldn't want me either, I thought about it, I'm so sick over you, I think I have a fever of , 102. I believe I caught the I love you flu, or better yet the I love you, I hate you , fuck you flu! I needed to get myself away from you, so I decided to do things different, I decided to make things make sense, keep it simple , stay vigil, and never forget where I went. how did I go from here to there without a you. Your like a drug, I talk about you all of time, your an obsession that never leaves my mind, I overly think of you and overly obsess when I hear things about you that ain't true! I have to confess! When I start to drink I obsess about you, I'm wondering if what people are saying is even true. I don't want to believe any of this because I think I know you! I must confess I'm addicted to you. I begin to withdraw when I don't have you. I get angry at the things that people say about you! I don't believe it! I know you! What's false and what's true? I would never turn my back on you! My loyalty I have for you is real. You never sat to tell me how you really feel. You have me thinking about long bid doing time in jail. All for who? You! Don't get me misconstrued. I'm gonna get me a quick fix and go to a detox dry myself out and hopefully forget all about you when I get out. What can I take to make you feel the same about me? A hit in the pipe? Will that make things right? No! Outta mind, outta sight. I'm bowing out gracefully, taking the gloves of, stepping out of the ring and giving you space to breathe. I'm letting you go now. Your only a memory , a visionary, a setback extraordinary substance that helped with easing my soul a perfect human to hold and loathe. You were once was a drug to me, now no more, I can finally sleep. peace


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7 days ago

I had the honor of having a new young upcoming male artist sing my song I wrote. He wishes to stay anonymous for the time being. He did a great job! Love hurts the breakup is worse. I'm going through the struggle. Pain is my motivator!" #NOMATTERWHAT God grant me the serenity to Accept the things I cannot change.The Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference." You was like a drug to me. Everyday I was with you my heart skipped a million beats. You were my only missing piece. I wished you felt the same about me. And when I wasn't with you anymore, I began to withdraw. My pitted stomach, feels like I haven't ate, drawn me into a lucid state, vivid bad dreams, all I can remember is hearing the screams, and them bad dreams now are only faded bad memories, I don't have much left you see, but you don't even want the rest of me. I was never given the chance to show you the best of me. It's all good I wouldn't want me either, I thought about it, I'm so sick over you, I think I have a fever of , 102. I believe I caught the I love you flu, or better yet the I love you, I hate you , fuck you flu! I needed to get myself away from you, so I decided to do things different, I decided to make things make sense, keep it simple , stay vigil, and never forget where I went. how did I go from here to there without a you. Your like a drug, I talk about you all of time, your an obsession that never leaves my mind, I overly think of you and overly obsess when I hear things about you that ain't true! I have to confess! When I start to drink I obsess about you, I'm wondering if what people are saying is even true. I don't want to believe any of this because I think I know you! I must confess I'm addicted to you. I begin to withdraw when I don't have you. I get angry at the things that people say about you! I don't believe it! I know you! What's false and what's true? I would never turn my back on you! My loyalty I have for you is real. You never sat to tell me how you really feel. You have me thinking about long bid doing time in jail. All for who? You! Don't get me misconstrued. I'm gonna get me a quick fix and go to a detox dry myself out and hopefully forget all about you when I get out. What can I take to make you feel the same about me? A hit in the pipe? Will that make things right? No! Outta mind, outta sight. I'm bowing out gracefully, taking the gloves of, stepping out of the ring and giving you space to breathe. I'm letting you go now. Your only a memory , a visionary, a setback extraordinary substance that helped with easing my soul a perfect human to hold and loathe. You were once was a drug to me, now no more, I can finally sleep. peace

7 days ago

Strong Bars 💪

8 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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