I need help from above
Something ElseI'm here to prepare you be ready for this war it's coming I ain't stopping somethings calling I ain't falling I'm feeling strongest I've been waiting for all you warriors never faltered I've never been altered you can't silence me I am one of God's strongest soldiers been being prepared for my entire life it's why I'm always walking into fire's not afraid of the darkness there's all these torches burning embers light my passage one foot in front of the other keep on pushing the end is coming god will need you if this speaks to you feel the truth let it surround you feel the spiritual guidance read your bibles it's armor protect your heart from breaking when you see all the torture watching families lose their loved one's to the fire's keep staying strong you will meet again at the gates.. God is waiting standing here as the whole world is shaking can't control it god has the handle he controls it it ain't over not until the trumpet sounds the greatest of all the angels set the world ablaze set lucifer free from his cage dragons fill the air the hydra Is the the leader of dragons everywhere its only just a metaphor it will come in the silence of the night when you are least prepared fight with me I've been silent way too long it's time I speak the truth god is coming you better have already hit that summit
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