I'm Here

I'm Here

99 Plays

3 days ago

all my best dreams got left in the dust I guess I'll do what I must but who can I trust the systems choking my family's broken the moneys low and my lifes croaking I guess that's the way it is you ever had life drop you like a fish outta the water into the dish skip the pan the cook just damn ate you wtf will motivate you I don't know I'm just starvin cold hearted for a different beat in life but different beats take different turns that's ppl that you lose and earn my family still thinks I'm good no za no bottles no tats little too late cuz they left me on the plate now I'm taking my own way everyday broke as fuck but I'll still boss the world like it's mine all the time till I die floating on cloud nine cuz it's fine to be high when your family thinks your a good guy but they still barely see you barely want to be near you just wait till they find out who I really am they'll kick me from the fam it's ok cuz they did for three years I faced them with no tears I can do it again not broken I'm going my way with the ppl I pick so I they or you got a problem suck my dick cuz nothings changing guns ll be banging best friends will be lost and found but I know where I find my way myself my paths the only trustworthy way everybody else fails and hurts me or ends up deserting me so fuck off lose your high place and get outta my face I'm done w the shit and the shit you claim xuz everdays a day that I fuck up even if it was a day where I held shit up you know what hold yo own shit up I'm done being the carrier like I'm your little brother I'm not so fuck off I'm fine alone cuz im not u got friends but ones leavin still sad to see it one friend whose coming so glad to meet em but I'll be sad if I have to leave em couple pills and a bottle later and I still won't see them wtf cares if I run and bleed nobody that's the point bitch my birth had some nerve putting me on this earth some shit I deserve for what idk being born from a ho from a daddy don't know fuck that bitch and weakness he represents another motherfucker I'll fuckin finish him better have reason cuz I'm alive and breathing and when I'm live I'm in the sky and I'll rain down fire till the day I die so one last message to the bitches I mentioned and to the friends I have and will don't fuck w me cuz I'm broken and not healed strong w an iron will ready to be king when yo ass gets killed just letting you know who's the real deal so keep it like that with no slack sideways like yesterday no going back cuz backs the direction of your pants when you try to get up and rule the show shut the fuck up you stupid hoes I'm in the show now everyone knows be ready


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2 days ago

DOPE 🍀 Bars: Great 🎉 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

2 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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