
12 Plays

12 days ago

another day of survival, constantly seem like I have unknown foes and rivals, don't know why bit cu ts calling me a dog are the ones talking to the cops, who do you believe, someone like me or a peeler that wants to use and manipulate, instill fear and u frown verify what your told otherwise your being set up also, when you've done whT you're. told your used and disposed, it's insanity breaking the mental psychological thought process, making you feel like your an outcast. manipulated into doing somethingthats incriminating so they can hold that over you, use it again when you fit the picture frame


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12 days ago

another day of survival, constantly seem like I have unknown foes and rivals, don't know why bit cu ts calling me a dog are the ones talking to the cops, who do you believe, someone like me or a peeler that wants to use and manipulate, instill fear and u frown verify what your told otherwise your being set up also, when you've done whT you're. told your used and disposed, it's insanity breaking the mental psychological thought process, making you feel like your an outcast. manipulated into doing somethingthats incriminating so they can hold that over you, use it again when you fit the picture frame

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