
grimmifix - monster bluud

grimmifix - monster bluud

37 Plays

6 days ago

, pizzazz I stumbled out the waffle house, syrup on my shoes, A scatterbrain in action, trippin' over kangaroos. My brain cells play hopscotch, my thoughts do the cha-cha, I'm the king of absurdity, crowned with a banana. I met a talking squirrel, sippin' coffee at the bar, He said, "Hey, buddy, wanna hear a joke? I'm a nutjob superstar!" We laughed till the moon hiccupped, and the stars did the twist, My sanity? Oh, it's on vacation—somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, I insist. **(Chorus)** Scatterbrain shuffle, left foot, right foot, I’m moonwalking through chaos, like a drunken Bigfoot. My IQ’s on vacation, my logic’s in a blender, If life’s a crossword puzzle, I’m the missing letter. (Verse 2) I tried to microwave my socks, thought they'd come out toasty warm, Ended up summoning a sock demon—now he's my sock puppet swarm. He sings show tunes in Mandarin, tap dances on my ceiling, And every night, we host a sock opera, it's a surreal feeling. I joined a support group for lost thoughts and misplaced keys999, We meet in a Bermuda Triangle-shaped room, sippin' herbal teas. Bob, the guy next to me, thinks he's a forgotten limerick, He rhymes about pickles, unicorns, and intergalactic cricket.99⁹⁹ **(Bridge)** I dated a cloud once, her name was Cumulonimbus Sue, She’d rain on my parade, then apologize with a rainbow hue. We’d argue about weather forecasts, debate the ozone layer, But when lightning struck, our love fizzled out—too much static in the air. (Chorus) Scatterbrain shuffle, left foot, right foot, I'm moonwalking through chaos, like a drunken Bigfoot. My IQ's on vacation, my logic's in a blender, If life's a crossword puzzle, I'm the missing letter. **(Verse 3)** I invented a language called “Noodleese,” spoken by spaghetti, It’s all about al dente verbs and marinara metaphors., you betty. I serenade lasagna at midnight, whisper sweet nothings to linguine, And when the moon’s full, I howl, “Ravioli, my queen!” My therapist quit, said I broke her Freudian slip, She couldn’t analyze my dreams—too many dancing potato chips. I told her, “Doc, my subconscious wears mismatched socks, And my id? It’s a disco ball spinning in a paradox.” (Outro) So here I am, scatterbrain extraordinaire, Lost in a maze of rubber chickens and existential despair. Life's a cosmic sitcom, and I'm the punchline they forgot, But hey, at least I've got my sock puppet swarm—what a plot! Scatterbrain shuffle, left foot, right foot, I'll waltz with chaos till the universe hits reboot. And if you see my sanity, tell it I'm on vacation, Somewhere between Jupiter and a pineapple constellation. --- Remember, this song is best enjoyed while juggling flaming marshmallows and wearing mismatched socks. 🤹‍♂️🧦 Keep scatterbraining, my friend! 🎶😜


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6 days ago


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