Marshall Mathers Diss

Marshall Mathers Diss

140 Plays

7 days ago

You think you're the "Rap God" but we all know the real Rap God is 50 Cent and he already ended your career back in the day. Now you're just a has-been trying to stay relevant by beefing with mumble rappers half your age. Talk all that shit about "killshot" but we know the only thing you kill is pussy. And what's with all them anti-Trump freestyles? We get it, you're still mad Hillary didn't invite you to her last hay party. Do everyone a favor and go back to hiding under your bed you closets case. Real rappers don't need recovery, we keep that fire lit 24/7. Peace out Slim, enjoy reliving your glory days in the retirement home! Yo Marshall, you pale little bitch. Still obsessed with messing with guys twice your size? Everyone knows the only reason you got famous is cause you're a novelty act - a white boy who can rap, how original! We get it, you had a rough childhood. Boo hoo, my stepdad was mean to me! Welcome to the fucking hood, this ain't your safe space snowflake. And your flow?! Slow it down homie, no one understands your mumbly garbage rapping. It's like you got a mouth full of marbles tryna get a sentence out. Not exactly known for being articulate are you bitch? Stick to yelling, that's about all your punk ass is good for. Always talking about killing your mom but we know you're too pussy to hurt a fly. Oooo I'm so scary and dark, fuck outta here cornball. Your careers done Marshall. No one's checking for your middle-aged meltdown ass anymore. Finally ran out of stuff to complain about, huh? Why don't you do us all a favor and go cry yourself to sleep like the little bitch you are. Oh and say hi to all the dudes at the trailer park for me! Peace out you rich white boy wannabe gangsta poser clown. Yo Em, you pasty ass poser. Only thing real about you is that phony accent you put on to try and sound hard. Newsflash blonde bieber, you're about as gangster as Mr. Rogers. Always talkin bout killin people and shit, but we all know the only thing you're killin is time on your hands since you're too scared to leave your basement studio. And what's with all these love songs lately? "Walk on Water", more like float in a pool of your own tears. Nobody wants to hear your whiny ass crying about your feelings. Stick to what you know - nursery rhymes for bitchboys. You call yourself a rap god but the only godly thing about you is how fucking boring you are. 20+ years in the game and still rapping about your mother and ex-wife like we give a shit. Newsflash old man - people stopped caring about your family drama back in '03. PopEye would be a punk if my bars didn’t welt you Marshall Mathers


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5 days ago

Bars: Great 🎉 Delivery: Great 🎉 Impression: Dope 🔥

can't support this at all em would murder u Bars: Can improve 👏 Delivery: Can improve 👏 Impression: Can improve 👏

6 days ago

WAKE EM UP 🗣️🔊 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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