
🐬Sypher - P.S_• Pains my Mind Paradox•

🐬Sypher - P.S_• Pains my Mind Paradox•

52 Plays

9 days ago

#Writtenbyme - Rapper Sypher213[ME] I'm an Asshole , I'd admit it. Self-hate and anger with those whose comes committed. It's an internal war , I'm emitting. Those around me , don't deserve my worst behavior , to end up regretting trying pick me up like a savior. All I bring is sadness, broken pieces with savagery. It's Hella petty , I dont even the lord himself can save me. Feeling guilty , ranting like im happy , inside is someone who lost a relationship within himself, look at the mirror reflecting back than , so many times I'd wish back than it would end. But this negative energy is just an feeling that's numbed in. No petty , No Self-love, Dodging Myself and everbody Else. Looking at myself like an empty shell. I'd Hurt those around to much , subconsciously, you can't love people more than yourself , so it's inside of me. Choosing myself as my worst enemy over the best me , I wished that is something I would do consciously. Than all smiles would be genuinely for all those supporting me. I'd wish I couldn't wrong to those around me, pain my minds paradox Of positivity. Wishing the best for others is really I what is the real in me. I don't know what's gotten into me. Broken spirit, Lust, And negativity. Schizo'd out on meds this is Therapy? I still wake up to audio and visuals hallucinations hysterically. Calling out to God , when I'm seeing the grim reaper standing next to me. Sins been committed but I'm taking accountability, Eye for Eye , That's should be for everyone that was offended by me. Y'all see the right in me , I see lies in me , spiteful it's a crime you see. Taking off masks honestly. I rather you win than me , I'd rather you give up than waste your energy. If I'd an solution it would've been solved , I hate when I have an ego , I hate when I lie , Facts is what I thrive. No need to apologize I'd keep real with you and expose myself. Because I know myself. You can't be there for someone who doesn't understand the emphanty of consequences, Back stabs himself, Afraid to live within himself. Poor decisions , never plan shit. P.S I love you all truthful more than myself Sorry for the chaos, that's some shit yall gotta live with dealing with my mental health.


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8 days ago

Dropping heat that keeps the whole game awake! 💡 RELAX 🥵 Mula 💰 RELAX 🥵 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

8 days ago

This beat goes hard, can't get enough of it! 🎶 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

8 days ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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