Peter Delgado
Peter Delgado

Shadows, in my eyes, I can't do anything to stop. It never stop, it's never gonna work out. You can't see me because I'm

Shadows, in my eyes, I can't do anything to stop. It never stop, it's never gonna work out. You can't see me because I'm

2 Plays

24 days ago

Shadows, in my eyes, I can't do anything to stop. It never stop, it's never gonna work out. You can't see me because I'm going downstairs. Can't fight me can't beat me. Can't fight me cause you're scream and my ears can't. Why can't you stop calling me? Leave Meno one, but you don't do that. You just keep calling me everyday. Keep game sick of it. Cause you tire me out. Can't stop talking. Can't stop beating me all the question's down. More than money money money money's Owen needy money money. Money money's oil need stop crying in my ear. Ears, now. Can you please leave me alone now? Can you stop beating me up? When you can't stop now? But you can't. Cause you can't be like a normal person.But you can't get, can't, can't shadows?In my eyestop, stop stop more than anything more.Can I stop you now how


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24 days ago

Shadows, in my eyes, I can't do anything to stop. It never stop, it's never gonna work out. You can't see me because I'm going downstairs. Can't fight me can't beat me. Can't fight me cause you're scream and my ears can't. Why can't you stop calling me? Leave Meno one, but you don't do that. You just keep calling me everyday. Keep game sick of it. Cause you tire me out. Can't stop talking. Can't stop beating me all the question's down. More than money money money money's Owen needy money money. Money money's oil need stop crying in my ear. Ears, now. Can you please leave me alone now? Can you stop beating me up? When you can't stop now? But you can't. Cause you can't be like a normal person.But you can't get, can't, can't shadows?In my eyestop, stop stop more than anything more.Can I stop you now how

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