King Bully aka k.bizzle

58 Plays


26 days ago

con artist @hatsngats2 k.bizzle


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@hatsngats2 u left me n my son for dead. if u didn't do what u did ur money wouldn't have stopped. n I am going to a brand new agency that pays over $700. u lost out because u did what u did. u thought the crack whore was a better option. that bitch could never be better than me.

@hatsngats2 all u r good for is a fuck other than that there is nothing good about u, fucking user

26 days ago

πŸ˜€πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―πŸ’― Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

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