Austin Masso
Austin Masso

fuck PTSD

fuck PTSD

16 Plays

1 month ago

Deeper deeper deeper are we there yet this fucking black hole keeps pulling me further idk if I will ever make it out the sun doesn't shine no more................. V1- yeah this fucking depression keeps me wish I was dead then maybe then I will mean something to somebody my body hurts can't eat barely sleep anymore my life is running but I am holding that knife waiting for the right time to say goodbye everyone tells me I will be fine but how can I be fine when I dine alone theres a fine line between hope and losing control and I am walking that line.......... Fuck this PTSD your ruining my fucking life now I don't even know if I will ever get a wife you got me holding this knife waiting to end it all but I know I can be stronger than this shit its just hard fuck this PTSD I wish I wasn't dealing with your shit but fuck it all right. V2- one thing comes and life is great until you fucking creep in and fuck everything up she was the love of my life but you had to tell me that she was going to hurt me like everyone else and ruined one of the best things in my life now I losing control with no one there to hold me up and tell me that's it all fine you made me push people away made me lose friends and loved one you have me lost no one cares right I am better off alone right and let you eat me a life yeah fuck that. Chorus


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1 month ago

Deeper deeper deeper are we there yet this fucking black hole keeps pulling me further idk if I will ever make it out the sun doesn't shine no more................. V1- yeah this fucking depression keeps me wish I was dead then maybe then I will mean something to somebody my body hurts can't eat barely sleep anymore my life is running but I am holding that knife waiting for the right time to say goodbye everyone tells me I will be fine but how can I be fine when I dine alone theres a fine line between hope and losing control and I am walking that line.......... Fuck this PTSD your ruining my fucking life now I don't even know if I will ever get a wife you got me holding this knife waiting to end it all but I know I can be stronger than this shit its just hard fuck this PTSD I wish I wasn't dealing with your shit but fuck it all right. V2- one thing comes and life is great until you fucking creep in and fuck everything up she was the love of my life but you had to tell me that she was going to hurt me like everyone else and ruined one of the best things in my life now I losing control with no one there to hold me up and tell me that's it all fine you made me push people away made me lose friends and loved one you have me lost no one cares right I am better off alone right and let you eat me a life yeah fuck that. Chorus

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