sound of God

sound of God


Building a computer program called the age of Aquarius.Basically, it condenses anybody's work.Load into what needs to be statistically, saved.First even financially it's a godsend. Because my calendar dates match binary math.So we can go past nineteen ninety nine in always ever. 😆 I guess this would be the soundtrack I'd be like the hand that just baked all the bread.And then everyone wants to come eat and i'm like wold , there's not enough For your disrespect, don't worry.I want you to have East.I just don't want you to have wood because I used What your garbage says don't do what you call.Mother nature?I call a blessing Just trying to get paid for the sneeze at you lol


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1 month ago

good luck with rap fame brother keep it up

Good job this one is nice up that volume tho!

1 month ago

SHOTS FIRED 🔫 DOPE 🍀 Boujee 💲 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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