He@DiNg, He@DiNG Into ArM@GeDDoN

He@DiNg, He@DiNG Into ArM@GeDDoN

17 Plays

27 days ago

🎤 EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON!🎤 Get ready for the most awaited war of all wars well within Christian circles at least! Yes it'll most definitely be a battle between the evil & wicked little Prince of Darkness and our Lord and our Saviour Emmanuel oh yes the Everlasting Prince of Peace tob say the least but hey no kidding it's gonna be pitting up all of the good and the righteous people against anyone and anybody out there who have already sold their pitiful souls to the unholy one the usurper yes the Leader of all deceivers and the accuser of my sister's and my brethren us true believers of doing wrong even though we've already prayed for forgiveness and have been living lives of repentence ever since we've come to fully understand our One and only Holy Lord, Jehovah and His power of forgiveness but this devil would rather see you and I get all frustrated and live with deep regrets and day in and day out never take the time out to smile but instead worry about all of our past sins and fret and fret up until the day in some kinda way suddenly forget that He, Jesus Christ has already made His once in His lifetime holy sacrifice with His very own sinless life and bled out all the very precious blood that was spilled and shed on the Cross in Calvary to save all of our souls yes yours and mine who still are stuck down here surviving and trying our best to survive living around here in the Land of the Lost! Yes the Son of Man, He'll be my One and only Boss because He and only He has paid the ultimate price or the full cost to lead us all up into Heaven or in other words that place that we all call Paradise. Yes that's right it's all called Pure Unconditional Love sent straight down to all of us from the Father Who reigns in the high Heavens way up above but I ain't gonna lie sometimes I cry out to Him in anger and frustration while struggling to fight off my temptations and I need their help whenever I'm dealing with all of my trials and tribulations and sometimes I'm scared of having these face to face confrontations against that forever hating king of all them evil and wicked fallen angels named Satan but he's bka Lucifer who used to be good but suddenly became bad because he wanted something that he can never ever have but what only the honorably obedient One the only begotten Son had but not once coveted for and that was equal authority and almighty power that only the Father our God or shall I call Him our GodFather can bestow upon any individual whom He saw fit, and possessed a special heart of gold and through no matte what difficult circumstances would never ever give up and just quit. No matter how much He was teased and taunted to his scarred, bleeding and marred face all He really wanted to do was hug and embrace His abusers and tell them about the wonderful place He was getting ready to go up to and prepare for them and me and you and you and I and then shortly after that He spread open His arms like an eagle about to take flight and then sadly He died and I cried yes I cried no I ain't gonna lie but even at 55 to this very day whenever I contemplate the scene at Golgotha on that Friday morning I can't help myself from wanting to cry yes I cry but please don't ask me why but I still do cry!!! 🎵 EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON! EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON!🎤


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🎤 EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON!🎤 Get ready for the most awaited war of all wars well within Christian circles at least! Yes it'll most definitely be a battle between the evil & wicked little Prince of Darkness and our Lord and our Saviour Emmanuel oh yes the Everlasting Prince of Peace tob say the least but hey no kidding it's gonna be pitting up all of the good and the righteous people against anyone and anybody out there who have already sold their pitiful souls to the unholy one the usurper yes the Leader of all deceivers and the accuser of my sister's and my brethren us true believers of doing wrong even though we've already prayed for forgiveness and have been living lives of repentence ever since we've come to fully understand our One and only Holy Lord, Jehovah and His power of forgiveness but this devil would rather see you and I get all frustrated and live with deep regrets and day in and day out never take the time out to smile but instead worry about all of our past sins and fret and fret up until the day in some kinda way suddenly forget that He, Jesus Christ has already made His once in His lifetime holy sacrifice with His very own sinless life and bled out all the very precious blood that was spilled and shed on the Cross in Calvary to save all of our souls yes yours and mine who still are stuck down here surviving and trying our best to survive living around here in the Land of the Lost! Yes the Son of Man, He'll be my One and only Boss because He and only He has paid the ultimate price or the full cost to lead us all up into Heaven or in other words that place that we all call Paradise. Yes that's right it's all called Pure Unconditional Love sent straight down to all of us from the Father Who reigns in the high Heavens way up above but I ain't gonna lie sometimes I cry out to Him in anger and frustration while struggling to fight off my temptations and I need their help whenever I'm dealing with all of my trials and tribulations and sometimes I'm scared of having these face to face confrontations against that forever hating king of all them evil and wicked fallen angels named Satan but he's bka Lucifer who used to be good but suddenly became bad because he wanted something that he can never ever have but what only the honorably obedient One the only begotten Son had but not once coveted for and that was equal authority and almighty power that only the Father our God or shall I call Him our GodFather can bestow upon any individual whom He saw fit, and possessed a special heart of gold and through no matte what difficult circumstances would never ever give up and just quit. No matter how much He was teased and taunted to his scarred, bleeding and marred face all He really wanted to do was hug and embrace His abusers and tell them about the wonderful place He was getting ready to go up to and prepare for them and me and you and you and I and then shortly after that He spread open His arms like an eagle about to take flight and then sadly He died and I cried yes I cried no I ain't gonna lie but even at 55 to this very day whenever I contemplate the scene at Golgotha on that Friday morning I can't help myself from wanting to cry yes I cry but please don't ask me why but I still do cry!!! 🎵 EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON! EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW & ON THIS VERY NIGHT I REALLY DO DOUBT IF ANY OF YOU LISTENERS MY BROTHERS AND ALL MY SISTER'S ARE EVEN PAYING ATTENTION BUT I'VE GOT OLD JAMS & NEW JAMS THAT'S LETTING Y'ALL KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE'RE ALL FINNA BE HEADING SO IF YOU'RE ON YOUR. MARK THEN GET READY & GET SET BECAUSE WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES ARMAGEDDON SO LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN WE'RE ALL HEADING HEADING HEADING STRAIGHT INTO ARMAGEDDON YES IT'S ARMAGEDDON!🎤

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