boggie ty boots
boggie ty boots

lets ride lets ride lets ride and come together and build and expand a higher consciousness thats my existence for livin

lets ride lets ride lets ride and come together and build and expand a higher consciousness thats my existence for livin

81 Plays

29 days ago

lets ride lets ride lets ride and come together and build and expand a higher consciousness thats my existence for living and once again we all are star particles so technically we all the damn sun and connected so we are truly one but ya fools are to egotistical to even grasp this to even know im not gonna call ya names im to advanced for all of that and yeah i accomplished alot of things and i d need nobody giving me an applause nor hugs n daps nor pats on my damn back im serious as a heart attack and dont even try and analyze my damn lines youll just go into cardiac and really be a man n distress press but at the same time my im not here to change anyone i just lead by example and once again take some damn risks lifes a gamble half of you are to passive be more aggressive bring it to a balance if not ya just be another chop stewy fried as some chun pah chicken soup or sugar dumplings stuffed in their cups man wrapped up in there special wrappings you a mouse caught up in the trap and thrown in the trash cans and this is all over the world not just in America i know its just to much to even take in im real i dont do no faking and i no the ends n outs of this game that why all wanna recruit me but i stand on morals n integrity im forever woke ya not like me night quil mixed with permiffazeen so you will never put me to sleep


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29 days ago

lets ride lets ride lets ride and come together and build and expand a higher consciousness thats my existence for living and once again we all are star particles so technically we all the damn sun and connected so we are truly one but ya fools are to egotistical to even grasp this to even know im not gonna call ya names im to advanced for all of that and yeah i accomplished alot of things and i d need nobody giving me an applause nor hugs n daps nor pats on my damn back im serious as a heart attack and dont even try and analyze my damn lines youll just go into cardiac and really be a man n distress press but at the same time my im not here to change anyone i just lead by example and once again take some damn risks lifes a gamble half of you are to passive be more aggressive bring it to a balance if not ya just be another chop stewy fried as some chun pah chicken soup or sugar dumplings stuffed in their cups man wrapped up in there special wrappings you a mouse caught up in the trap and thrown in the trash cans and this is all over the world not just in America i know its just to much to even take in im real i dont do no faking and i no the ends n outs of this game that why all wanna recruit me but i stand on morals n integrity im forever woke ya not like me night quil mixed with permiffazeen so you will never put me to sleep

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