
10 Plays

1 month ago

Iv got to break away, from all the darkness, an all these bad luck occurrences, that lurk above me, haunting me everyday. fear is here, fear is there, fear is everywhere, fear is no-where, fear makes me scared, iv got to somehow get rid of my fear overcome it free and clear. from this point on, once in for all I'm a face whatever comes along, everything and every person that even trys to; try and interfere, I'm damn sure make it very clear that I am a big girl here, so please, for the love og god and of me , let me do the damn thing, just this one time; without any body interfering, without some damn one, try to run and jump out in front of ,me always treating me like a kid, never giving me lead way , alwayz jumping to do it for me ,or ,never giving me enough rope, to learn on my own to hang my self on , when someone runs jumps does it , before I even can have the chance at learn my on my own paths way with shit treating me like a damn princess this shit is plum ridiculous an cause of all this nonsense it also causes me to have listen to mfers talk shit an with the quickness to start labeling me as a damn princess and I'm the exact opposite but they never give me a chance to ever be anything other than, just that their trying to control my every existence fear no longer live here neither over there , fear has left me alone, now I. am happy fear is now gone. fear will never return , cause my thoughts are now very stern. I'm fearless and flawless, mentally and emotionally elevated and completely level headed iv got motivation and determination which will lead me to my future destination !


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1 month ago

Iv got to break away, from all the darkness, an all these bad luck occurrences, that lurk above me, haunting me everyday. fear is here, fear is there, fear is everywhere, fear is no-where, fear makes me scared, iv got to somehow get rid of my fear overcome it free and clear. from this point on, once in for all I'm a face whatever comes along, everything and every person that even trys to; try and interfere, I'm damn sure make it very clear that I am a big girl here, so please, for the love og god and of me , let me do the damn thing, just this one time; without any body interfering, without some damn one, try to run and jump out in front of ,me always treating me like a kid, never giving me lead way , alwayz jumping to do it for me ,or ,never giving me enough rope, to learn on my own to hang my self on , when someone runs jumps does it , before I even can have the chance at learn my on my own paths way with shit treating me like a damn princess this shit is plum ridiculous an cause of all this nonsense it also causes me to have listen to mfers talk shit an with the quickness to start labeling me as a damn princess and I'm the exact opposite but they never give me a chance to ever be anything other than, just that their trying to control my every existence fear no longer live here neither over there , fear has left me alone, now I. am happy fear is now gone. fear will never return , cause my thoughts are now very stern. I'm fearless and flawless, mentally and emotionally elevated and completely level headed iv got motivation and determination which will lead me to my future destination !

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