
135 Plays

2 months ago

Dichotomy walking anomlie, vibration positively a mission u can't fathom my rhythm 🪘 so dynamic, I'm gifted telepathic transmission, forget it u worldy lame, earthy men can't contain, nor contend they hide, submerge n sin,click or group up, I just cleanse n due time, transcend tesseract, snares n traps, physical laps I'm running 💨, circle's round roches rat,snakes dummies, prophecy been seen it coming,what they covet, material designer n jewlws ,false judgment, play God with some paper, get slayed demon slayer, ancestors 12tribes galactic federation, Galatians not threw the law but threw the faith of Jesus ,transgressor,none the less, take lessor, store house n heaven, chess not checkers, every move see his glory, divine story,no purpotratin order, spiritual floss no boss, unless u rose 3day from the cross, i cant respect it ,da other side rise for fame gravy train anything, london bridge they all fall down, stars to the ground, they put em n celling, not know n the true galaxy 88 keys piano constellation,cap em off the same paper slaved player, Monopoly board parker brothers, run it, call hate debate turn on each other, our history, tricked out such mystery, still no one cares, give n energy. to everything dont add up to anything, then complain, so weak discret, whats done n da dark shall come to light, you creep freaks, mentally my thoughts so deep, flower of life 🧬


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2 months ago

Dichotomy walking anomlie, vibration positively a mission u can't fathom my rhythm 🪘 so dynamic, I'm gifted telepathic transmission, forget it u worldy lame, earthy men can't contain, nor contend they hide, submerge n sin,click or group up, I just cleanse n due time, transcend tesseract, snares n traps, physical laps I'm running 💨, circle's round roches rat,snakes dummies, prophecy been seen it coming,what they covet, material designer n jewlws ,false judgment, play God with some paper, get slayed demon slayer, ancestors 12tribes galactic federation, Galatians not threw the law but threw the faith of Jesus ,transgressor,none the less, take lessor, store house n heaven, chess not checkers, every move see his glory, divine story,no purpotratin order, spiritual floss no boss, unless u rose 3day from the cross, i cant respect it ,da other side rise for fame gravy train anything, london bridge they all fall down, stars to the ground, they put em n celling, not know n the true galaxy 88 keys piano constellation,cap em off the same paper slaved player, Monopoly board parker brothers, run it, call hate debate turn on each other, our history, tricked out such mystery, still no one cares, give n energy. to everything dont add up to anything, then complain, so weak discret, whats done n da dark shall come to light, you creep freaks, mentally my thoughts so deep, flower of life 🧬

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