a plan

58 Plays

21 days ago

this these the. missed me much? not enough hun? huh? AWHAR???? A WHAT a stick storch a starksy and hutch.. awhile aware a snare..snarl and a smile. not sleeping, not slipping, not shopping a kick a chorus encouraging encounters not counting just continuing my win streak that's continuity community anything less criminal I am contesting it you can count on it...bet the farm on it.bet your ass you can bank on it... this these things we bring.. never the same nevertheless not nice not naive nor pretending not partial pessimistic or whimsicall as I recall I think I already told yall. fuck it that Is all.


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20 days ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

SHOTS FIRED 🔫 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

this these the. missed me much? not enough hun? huh? AWHAR???? A WHAT a stick storch a starksy and hutch.. awhile aware a snare..snarl and a smile. not sleeping, not slipping, not shopping a kick a chorus encouraging encounters not counting just continuing my win streak that's continuity community anything less criminal I am contesting it you can count on it...bet the farm on it.bet your ass you can bank on it... this these things we bring.. never the same nevertheless not nice not naive nor pretending not partial pessimistic or whimsicall as I recall I think I already told yall. fuck it that Is all.

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