Amit Singh
Amit Singh

Good Karma

Good Karma

13 Plays

18 days ago

If you are not religious consider yourself to be unfortunate. Because there are no other escape from hell. Scared? Since I follow Hinduism I have been told that getting a human body again for my soul is very rare. So I offer water every Monday to the Shivlinga. The act cancels millions of my bad karma at once. There are 8.4 million species. I get myself a human body every one month. I have done the math.


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18 days ago

If you are not religious consider yourself to be unfortunate. Because there are no other escape from hell. Scared? Since I follow Hinduism I have been told that getting a human body again for my soul is very rare. So I offer water every Monday to the Shivlinga. The act cancels millions of my bad karma at once. There are 8.4 million species. I get myself a human body every one month. I have done the math.

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