24 Rizzle Warrior (VE)
24 Rizzle Warrior (VE)

Cant Pass Sin To Our Kin

Cant Pass Sin To Our Kin

98 Plays

1 month ago

Born in one state raised in another, all meanwhile being kept away from my brothers and sisters, I was even kept away from my father, with a family of my own I know I'm just a beginner, My mom told me my dad was a bad man, that didn't mean our while family were sinners I come from a family with a history of sin But that don't mean it gotta be passed on to my kin I break the cycle, I break the chain I rise above the struggles, I ain't playin' no games I see the pain in my mama's eyes She tried to shield me from the lies But I know the truth, I see through the disguise I gotta be the one to break the ties I ain't gonna let my past define me I ain't gonna let my family confine me I'm gonna rise up, I'm gonna shine I'm gonna leave all the negativity behind I'm on a mission, I'm on a grind I'm gonna make sure my family's sin ends with my bloodline I'm gonna pave the way for a better future I'm gonna be the one to break the curse, I'm a mover and a shaker I ain't afraid to stand alone I ain't afraid to make my own throne I'm gonna be the one to break the mold I'm gonna be the one to rise up bold My middle names Wayne but I ain't no weezy, I aint playin' around my games aren't easy I'm on a mission to break the cycle, I'm holdin' it down I'm gonna make sure my family's sin stops with me I'm gonna be the change that my family needs to see


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Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

1 month ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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