Mr Armi
Mr Armi

In this microwave society, time's a race, But sometimes slow and steady sets the pace. A hundred years ago, life was a d

In this microwave society, time's a race, But sometimes slow and steady sets the pace. A hundred years ago, life was a d

73 Plays

1 month ago

In this microwave society, time's a race, But sometimes slow and steady sets the pace. A hundred years ago, life was a different show, No instant answers, just taking it slow.(Hook) Microwave world, everything on demand, But patience and depth, that's what we understand. Quick fixes fade, it's the long haul we seek, Let's slow it down, find the strength we keep.(Verse 2) Fast lanes, fast food, in a hurry we move, But the real richness, it takes time to prove. Back in time, letters took days to fly, Now messages ping, sometimes we don't try.(Chorus) Living in a microwave society, Speeding through life with such anxiety. Let's hit pause, rewind the tape, Find the balance, before it's too late.(Bridge) Instant coffee, instant fame, quick and bright, But depth and meaning, they shine in the light. From instant messages to heartfelt talks, Let's slow it down, walk the meaningful walks.(Verse 3) Swipe left, swipe right, it's a digital age, But real connections, they write a different page. In a world of emojis and likes, let's see, The beauty in moments, slow and free.(Outro) So here's to slowing down, taking a stand, In this microwave world, let's hold hands. Time's not a sprint, it's a marathon to grace, In this microwave society, let's find our space.


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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

1 month ago

Beats that jolt the system, time to recognize greatness! ⚡ Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

1 month ago

thank you

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