TrAv3ZtY™ aka $L!m P!ckinz®
TrAv3ZtY™ aka $L!m P!ckinz®

swifftly quickly th3n

swifftly quickly th3n

18 Plays

19 days ago

only that time when you go deep within while closin your eyes wide as you begin to link in as many memories begin to sink in memories built skin deep in maybe a lil too skin deep on the deep end besta learn real quickly Swiftly then who yo real enemies and yo real friends is but love em the same but the ones that bring pain you must love them from a distance this doesnt mean just to me mean and split it at the seams no, its just the only way to keep the peace bc the distance will surely cease the beast im definitely not a saint so im not here to preach just to get pass the breach just in order to reach my only order is to teach snap my pic now find a border to pick im boderline disorderly sick I wake up every morning at $ix just to sniff for-mal-dee-hyde and grab me a twix just to get me a fix just for me eyeballs to roll back in and go right back to sleep my life so obsolete so smooth like brush strokes on mahogany bare witness heavens a-nom-a-lees every sea 2 shining sea to every tip top of trees astronomy use it properly demons in democracy the great divide and fallacy dont fall for astrology i try to keep god in every part of me no matter how bright or how dark it seems he always plays a part in things even though it may be hard to see or hard to believe in order to bare fruit you must first start with some seeds then plant it in the earth and give it some meaning nourish it and keep it living and breathing and make it something you believe in like the blood of jesus if dont believe me well believe this we're all at the very cusp of the ending so thus fill up your cups (oasis) till it runneths ova the champagne supernova that was already there and high soopin ova in the sky wipe that tear away now from ya eye


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only that time when you go deep within while closin your eyes wide as you begin to link in as many memories begin to sink in memories built skin deep in maybe a lil too skin deep on the deep end besta learn real quickly Swiftly then who yo real enemies and yo real friends is but love em the same but the ones that bring pain you must love them from a distance this doesnt mean just to me mean and split it at the seams no, its just the only way to keep the peace bc the distance will surely cease the beast im definitely not a saint so im not here to preach just to get pass the breach just in order to reach my only order is to teach snap my pic now find a border to pick im boderline disorderly sick I wake up every morning at $ix just to sniff for-mal-dee-hyde and grab me a twix just to get me a fix just for me eyeballs to roll back in and go right back to sleep my life so obsolete so smooth like brush strokes on mahogany bare witness heavens a-nom-a-lees every sea 2 shining sea to every tip top of trees astronomy use it properly demons in democracy the great divide and fallacy dont fall for astrology i try to keep god in every part of me no matter how bright or how dark it seems he always plays a part in things even though it may be hard to see or hard to believe in order to bare fruit you must first start with some seeds then plant it in the earth and give it some meaning nourish it and keep it living and breathing and make it something you believe in like the blood of jesus if dont believe me well believe this we're all at the very cusp of the ending so thus fill up your cups (oasis) till it runneths ova the champagne supernova that was already there and high soopin ova in the sky wipe that tear away now from ya eye

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