Vicki Jones
Vicki Jones

why does the heathen rage?

why does the heathen rage?

108 Plays

1 month ago

why does the heathen rage? my enemies try to put me in a cage come against me like a flood but see Im covered in His blood. My God will lift up a standard. Deliver me. I cried out. to the Lord. He heard my prayers answered. my name they slandered. but my souls been anchored. through The blood of the Lamb I am who God says that I am. Royalty priesthood a chosen generation. great among the nation. above and not beneath . eyes have not seen. this predestined plan God has for me. nor ears have heard of the blessings promised in Gods word. The head and not the tail. for the gates of Hell shall not prevail. I know that I can make it. with the sword of the spirit every bondage break it I dont walk alone Gods hand I walk with. By faith I believe this. gotta trust in the master font wanna miss the mark of the prize lift up mine eyes to the hills. stretch my hands as Gods anointing fills to restore my soul. make me whole. soiritual warfare Victory I decree and declare having done all you can. stand


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