𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 👽𝖌
𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 👽𝖌

ꍏꉓ꓄ꃅꀎꋪꀤꍏꈤꌗ ⅋ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꍟꉓ꒒ꀤꉣꌗꍟ ꁅ∆ꀸ

ꍏꉓ꓄ꃅꀎꋪꀤꍏꈤꌗ ⅋ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꍟꉓ꒒ꀤꉣꌗꍟ ꁅ∆ꀸ

362 Plays

26 days ago

. 👁️ 🔺 ℂꍏ§†§ 🔻 👽_𝔊𝔦𝔰𝔬 ℭ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔒𝔤 𝕄𝕚𝕏𝕥𝕄𝕚𝕏𝕚𝕚𝕋 🧮 #Drap #Hype👁️ug +#Thewatcher,l #GameDrip ∆ #WakandaDrap #Endlessdrip🦉#𒊑𒅀ri-ia Uknown RFA 🎲 🕹️#Play DRAPSTERS 🎵 PLUGS 🪐 🔌 TYPE 🎶 🛸 ✨ DRAPSTER / #OGISODRIP ☄️ 🔌 #EPICPLUG #OG ☄️ WAKANDA FORCES ©️ASTRO MUZIKA ⏳ FUTURISTIC 🔌 👽_Giso Drip ムレᄊノムんイリ ᏗᏝᎷᎥᎶᏂᏖᎩ คɭ๓เﻮђՇץ #DEMO #𐤓 TAGGS 👽_Giso 🔌. #LOVE #Nubia #Rfa235 #Rfa0182🦉 #Shadetree #Ogijotrap💰 #OgisoDrap ✨ .#Response #Drap #Chase🐈‍⬛#Nubis #Dive #Driver #OgisoLeo♌#EpicTrap# #indeed That was a game on cap🃏 #In case you're Missing it 👁️🧠# #Watch 👁️ out for#more🎵🪄# #Game on🎮 #Adoptions✨# @mixtmixiit👽. 🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️🦅💥 #OGISODRAP ©️2024# #OGIJODRIPING💪🏿# #NO #MERCY🎮 #DRAP#🎵 ✨ 👽 🌑 🔻 🌜🌛 🦅 🌊👽 #ₜₕₑ ₑₚᵢc fₑwₛ🎥🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️ 👔 🎭 🛸 ͲǶƐ Ɛφį↻ ∆ꝈⱮįƓǶ†Ӌv3 ꍏꉓ꓄ꃅꀎꋪꀤꍏꈤꌗ ⅋ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꍟꉓ꒒ꀤꉣꌗꍟ ꁅ∆ꀸ They all waited for the signs ☢️ indeed we gave em wonders We won't bother to check ✅ They are missing it indeed 🔻 🔻 Epic time before Clocks Ogiso Aka Epic Almighty Was the King of All Black race of IGODOMIGODO 🛖 He had Begotten many homosapiens after mayor inter breeding with Naledi, Habilis, Heidelbergensis homo hominin species of Australopithecus afarensis, Neanderthals ⅋ other Non 100% humans Creatures alike. The karma brought eclipse as first albino was delivered by The Homo Neanderthalis After indulgence with The Epic Almighty the Non Hunter (Ogiso breeders) The king grows worried as they've begotten a distinctive version of human 👨🏿kind they haven't brought forth before The eclipse 🌑 began to re occurred time after time ✨ according to their time 🧬 #measurement #which #was x1200 to basic #modern calendars.... #The king summoned #The Edion & elders of the Empire + advance humans, and the Ape breed was selected as ohen who has masters no blood sacrifice but blessed with Wisdom of knowing epic things after deciphering via a meditation exercise 🧘🏿‍♂️👁️ Epic History shall continue from here. watch out for V4 The ͲǶƐ Ɛφį↻ ∆ꝈⱮįƓǶ†Ӌ series #MUZIKA #Edo isiagbon #Benin, #Ogisoplug #Epicwisdom #Ogisodrap #Drey #ꍏꉓ꓄ꃅꀎꋪꀤꍏꈤꌗ #ꍟꉓ꒒ꀤꉣꌗꍟ #ꁅ∆ꀸ ⚡🌑#Theepic F ew #Nolame #Wakanda🎮 #Forces #Rfa247 #Newdrip #Going 🌝 fia. @Rapfame_Official cum 💤 on em, as they have no Rap no Bars for humans. But for the few. #We shall remind them 👽 Vs 🤖 🎮=@Mixtmixiit #🔌 Drapster archaic #that #Eclipse All handles.=:@Mixtmixiit drip to da epic Off Screen #RFA245.🧘🏾‍♂️🛸🎵#Enjoy #Ogiso Philogist ⭐✨ #Oya ya simwin evbo #The Epic Unbelver🗣️ # Believe in what 🤔 #Jewellery#Few #They wouldn't #Kill even a🐐 #On God 👑 #G∆D🌟. 🌚 #OG™ #o 🪄 #t 👁️ #o #™ #g*=°


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