how I'm feeling

how I'm feeling

60 Plays

3 months ago

ive been feeling suicidal, all my friends are too, what's wrong with me and you? im a leaver, im a bad believer, all my enemies are like a stealer, tattoos about depression, its not an obsession,(cried out obsession) well it kinda is...ALL THESE TATTOOS ABOUT HOW IM FEELING, WHEN IM KINDA HAPPY IT FEELS LIKE IM DREAMIN' WHEN I AM LIVE IVE GOT NO STREAMING, ALL THESE TATTOOS ABOUT HOW IM FEELING. bætch i know that youve git some depression, suicidal thoughts, homicidal conversations, im feeling kinda down, kinda blue, kinda sad. it's not an obsession but it kinda is....ALL THESE TATTOOS ABOUT HOW IM FEELING, WHEN IM HAPPY IT FEELS LIKE IM DREAMIN', WHEN I AM LIVE IVE GOT NO STREAMIN', ALL THESE TATTOOS ABOUT HOW IM FEELING.


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Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

3 months ago

#TKD24 #DGNR1 #GBITS1 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

3 months ago

here it is lads! I've been working on this song for about 3 weeks now. I was gonna make it like fuck love but then changed my mind to add my own twist. new album: x speed #XSPEEDPREMIERE

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